Results for: art, rajam

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Tirukkural 675: Modes of Action

Do an act after a due consideration of the (following) five, viz. money, means, time, execution and place.

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Tirukkural 681: Qualifications of an Envoy

The qualification of an ambassador are affection (for his relations) a fitting birth, and the possession of attributes...

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Tirukkural 695: Conduct in the Presence of King

(When the king is engaged) in secret counsel (with others), ministers should neither over-hear anything whatever nor pry...

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Tirukkural 701: The Knowledge of Indications

The minister who by looking (at the king) understands his mind without being told (of it), will be...

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Tirukkural 719: The Knwoledge of the Council Chamber

Those who are able to speak good things impressively in an assembly of the good should not even...

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Tirukkural 724: Not to Dread the Council

(Ministers) should agreeably set forth their acquirements before the learned and acquire more (knowledge) from their superiors (in...

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Tirukkural 738: Ornaments of a Kingdom/Country

Freedom from epidemics, wealth, produce, happiness and protection (to subjects); these five, the learned, say, are the ornaments...

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Tirukkural 749: The Fortification

A fort is that which derives excellence from the stratagems made (by its inmates) to defeat their enemies...

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Tirukkural 760: Way of Accumulating Wealth

To those who have honestly acquired an abundance of riches, the other two, (virtue and pleasure) are things...