Results for: art, rajam

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Lord Siva in the Midst of Numerous Human Activities

Siva sits in bliss while humans carry on with their evolution

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Saint Surveying Past Lives or Worldly Life in General

A saint in a remote mountain setting, having realized the Self and attained Moksha, ponders all the many...

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Astrologer or Sastri Enjoys the Shade of a Tree

Astrologer or Sastri standing by a tree

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Gurudeva with Temple, Nataraj, Ganesha, and Ocean Liner

Gurudeva with some important images in his life.

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Kadaitswami (Muktiyananda) at Mandaitivu

Kadaitswami, with his ever-present umbrella.

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Maharishi Nandinatha and Rishi Tirumular Sitting In a Hut

Maharishi Nandinatha and Rishi Tirumular