Results for: art, rajam

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The Care Givers Giving Aid and Comfort to Others

A great part of Dharma is the care of others. Here animals, elders and the temple are all...

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Tirukkural 148: Not Coveting Another's Wife

That noble manliness which looks not at the wife of another is the virtue and dignity of the...

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Tirukkural 155: Possession of Patience

Who wreak their wrath as worthless are despised; Who patiently forbear as gold are prized

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Tirukkural 166: Not Envying

He who is envious at a gift (made to another) will with his relations utterly perish destitute of...

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Tirukkural 174: Not Coveting

The wise who have conquered their senses and are free from crime, will not covet (the things of...

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Tirukkural 189: Not Back Biting

The world through charity supports the weight of those who reproach others observing their absence.

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Tirukkural 193: Against Vain Speaking

That conversation in which a man utters forth useless things will say of him "he is without virtue"

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Tirukkural 203: Dread of Evil Deeds

To do no evil to enemies will be called the chief of all virtues.

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Tirukkural 211: Duty to Society

Benevolence seeks not a return. What does the world give back to the clouds ?.