Results for: art, rajam

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Tirukkural 409: The Unlearned

The unlearned, though born in a high caste, are not equal in dignity to the learned; though they...

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Tirukkural 411: Heaing Knowledge

Wealth (gained) by the ear is wealth of wealth; that wealth is the chief of all wealth.

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Tirukkural 421: Fortress of Wisdom

Wisdom is a weapon to ward off destruction; it is an inner fortress which enemies cannot destroy.

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Tirukkural 436: Correction of Faults

What fault will remain in the king who has put away his own evils, and looks after the...

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Tirukkural 443: Seeking the Aid of Great Men

To cherish great men and make them his own, is the most difficult of all difficult things.

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Tirukkural 454: Avoiding Mean Associations

Wisdom appears to rest in the mind, but it really exists to a man in his companions.

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Tirukkural 462: Acting After Due Consideration

There is nothing too difficult to (be attained by) those who, before they act, reflect well themselves, and...

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Tirukkural 476: Know Your Limitations

There will be an end to the life of him who, having climbed out to the end of...

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Tirukkural 486: Knwoing the Fitting Time

The self-restraint of the energetic (while waiting for a suitable opportunity), is like the drawing back of a...