Results for: art, rajam

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Tirukkural 70: The Wealth of Children

(So to act) that it may be said "by what great penance did his father beget him," is the benefit which a son should render to...

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Tirukkural 74: Possession of Love

Love begets desire: and that (desire) begets the immeasureable excellence of friendship

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Tirukkural 84: Hospitality

Lakshmi with joyous mind shall dwell in the house of that man who, with cheerful countenance, entertains the...

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Tirukkural 93: The Utterance of Pleasant Words

Sweet speech, flowing from the heart (uttered) with a cheerful countenance and a sweet look, is true virtue

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Tirukkural 101: Gratitude

(The gift of) heaven and earth is not an equivalent for a benefit which is conferred where none...

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Tirukkural 108: Virtue of Gratitude

It is not good to forget a benefit; it is good to forget an injury even in the...

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Tirukkural 118: Being Unbiased

To stand, like balance-rod that level hangs and rightly weighs, With calm unbiassed equity of soul, is sages'...

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Tirukkural 124: Possession of Self-Restraint

Tirukkural 124: More lofty than a mountain will be the greatness of that man who without swerving from...