Results for: painting

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Tirukkural 749: The Fortification

A fort is that which derives excellence from the stratagems made (by its inmates) to defeat their enemies...

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Tirukkural 760: Way of Accumulating Wealth

To those who have honestly acquired an abundance of riches, the other two, (virtue and pleasure) are things...

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Tirukkural 767: The Excellence of an Army

That is an army which knowing the art of warding off an impending struggle, can bear against the...

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Tirukkural 780: Military Spirit

If (heroes) can so die as to fill with tears the eyes of their rulers, such a death...

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Tirukkural 786: True Friendship

The love that dwells (merely in the smiles of the face is not friendship; (but) that which dwells...

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Tirukkural 914: Wanton Women

The wise who seek the wealth of grace will not desire the base favours of those who regard...

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Tirukkural 929: Abstaining from Alcohol

Reasoning with a drunkard is like going under water with a torch in search of a drowned man.

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Tirukkural 800: Investigation in Forming Friendships

Continue to enjoy the friendship of the pure; (but) renounce even with a gift, the friendship of those...

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Tirukkural 807: Familiarity

Those who have (long) stood in the path of affection will not give it up even if their...