Results for: painting

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Tirukkural 203: Dread of Evil Deeds

To do no evil to enemies will be called the chief of all virtues.

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Tirukkural 211: Duty to Society

Benevolence seeks not a return. What does the world give back to the clouds ?.

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Tirukkural 226: Giving

The removal of the killing hunger of the poor is the place for one to lay up his...

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Tirukkural 234: Renown

If one has acquired extensive fame within the limits of this earth, the world of the Gods will...

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Tirukkural 242: Compassion

(Stand) in the good path, consider, and be kind. Even considering according to the conflicting tenets of the...

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Tirukkural 256: Abstinence from Flesh

If the world does not destroy life for the purpose of eating, then no one would sell flesh...

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Tirukkural 268: Penance

All other creatures will worship him who has attained the control of his own soul.

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Tirukkural 271: Imposture

The five elements (of his body) will laugh within him at the feigned conduct of the deceitful minded...

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Tirukkural 284: Absence of Fraud

The eager desire of defrauding others will, when it brings forth its fruit, produce undying sorrow