Results for: painting

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Tirukkural 298: Veracity

Purity of body is produced by water and purity of mind by truthfulness.

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Tirukkural 304: Restraining Anger

Is there a greater enemy than anger, which kills both laughter and joy ?.

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Tirukkural 312: Not Doing Evil

It is the determination of the spotless not to do evil, even in return, to those who have...

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Tirukkural 322: Joy in Sharing Food

The chief of all (the virtues) which authors have summed up, is the partaking of food that has...

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Tirukkural 338: Instability oh Human Life

The love of the soul to the body is like (the love of) a bird to its egg...

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Tirukkural 350: Renunciation of Desires and Clinging onto God

Desire the desire of Him who is without desire; in order to renounce desire, desire that desire.

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Tirukkural 359: Truth-Consciousness

He who so lives as to know Him who is the support of all things and abandon all...

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Tirukkural 364: Freedom from Desires

Purity (of mind) consists in freedom from desire; and that (freedom from desire) is the fruit of the...

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Tirukkural 374: Acquisition of Wealth and Knowledge

There are (through fate) two different natures in the world, hence the difference (observable in men) in (their...