Results for: painting

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Maharishi Nandinatha and Rishi Tirumular Sitting In a Hut

Maharishi Nandinatha and Rishi Tirumular

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Guru in Hut

Guru in hut

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Yogaswami Listens to the Sound of Thaiyalnayaki's Anklets

Yogaswami hears Thaiyalnayaki's anklets

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Yogaswami Thinking of Gurudeva's Powerful Initiation

Yogaswami thinks of Gurudeva, Robert Hansen

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Tirukkural 1: The Praise of God

As the letter A is the first of all letters, so the eternal God is first in the...

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Tirukkural 11: The Blessing of Rain

By the continuance of rain the world is preserved in existence; it is therefore worthy to be called...

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Tirukkural 27: The Greatness of Ascetics

The world is within the knowledge of him who knows the properties of taste, sight, touch, hearing and...

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Tirukkural 31: Assertion of the Strength of Virtue

Virtue will confer heaven and wealth; what greater source of happiness can man possess?