Results for: painting

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Man with Astral or Dream Woman

Man kneels as women in Pretaloka departs?

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Markendeya Defeats Death by his Devotion

Markendeya calmly studies the scriptures while Siva emerges from the lingam and vanquishes Yama, who has come to...

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Agitated warriors by Moonlight

Agitated warriors by moonlight

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Maiden spurning Old Man--Shankuntala?

Maiden spurning Old Man--Shankuntala?

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The Penance of Parvati

Uma performs strict austerities to win Siva's favor

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Shiva with Elephant Hide Strides Past Uma? Old Woman and Vishnu

Shiva with Elephant Hide. Young woman (Parvati?), old woman and Vishnu look on.

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Lovers in Chariot (Krishna & Radha)

lovers in chariot (Krishna)