Results for: painting

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Activities in the Farm Fields (with Ghostly Images of War)

Man and woman farmers tending to crops and herds

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GopalaKrishna Bharathi

Overshadowed by Siva Nataraja, a Saiva saint inscribes the ola leaves

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Red Saiva Rishi Series With Wife In The Background

Red Saiva Rishi series with wife in the background

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Red Saiva Rishi Series With Wife (2)

Red Saiva Rishi series with wife in the background

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Saiva Rishi on a Red Background

Red Saiva Rishi series by himself

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Saiva Rishi with wife in the Red Background series

Red Saiva Rishi series with maiden in the background

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Vishvamithrar - In Meditation

Vishvamithrar - The Brahma Rishi with his yellow body

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Blue Yogi

Blue Yogi

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