Results for: painting

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The Legend of Ganesha and Muruga and the Mango

Ganesha's wisdom and discrimination trump Murugan's speed and power in this story.

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Shiva and Parvati in the Himalayas

Shiva and Parvati, the "Divine Couple"

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Story of King Bhagiratha and Ganga

King Bhagiratha does tapas to petition Lord Siva to allow Ganga to come to earth, but the earth...

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Saraswati on white lotus with her Veena

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Chinnamasta - Mahavidya

Chinnamasta, the "Self-Decapitating Goddess, is mentioned in the Mahabhagavata Purana and Svatantra-Tantra, the symbolism of this story has various interpretations, including the concept of self-sacrifice, the awakening of the kundalini, and self-control of sexual desire, as well as ida, pingala and sushumna.

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Bagalamuki - Mahavidya

Bagalamuki is one of the ten Devis of Mahavidya worship.

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Bhuvaneshwari - Mahavidya

Bhuvaneshwari is the fourth of the ten Mahavidya goddesses and an aspect of Devi or Durga as elements...