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Tirukural – Chapter 44

Chapter 44: Guarding Against Faults

Verse king
stands before mirror, humbly checking himself for possible faults. Only after removing his own flaws will he turn to examine the weaknesses in his ministers who wait outside.

TAKA Presents the Tirukural

You can access the entire text, in Tamil and English here:
Weaver’s Wisdom

Verse 431

Those who are free from vanity, vulgarity and venomousness
will prosper in deserving dignity.

Verse 432

Avarice, arrogance and crude amusements are flaws
in the character of an unfit king.

Verse 433

Though their fault be as small as a millet seed,
to those who dread disgrace it will appear as large as a palm tree.

Verse 434

One’s own faults are one’s mortal enemies.
It follows that to guard against them is life’s gravest concern.

Verse 435

The good fortune of a man who does not guard against failings
before they manifest will perish like a stack of straw before a fire.

Verse 436

What fault remains in a king who expunges his own faults
before examining the faults in others?

Verse 437

The wealth of him who, out of avarice, fails to do what
should be done will vanish without the slightest vestige.

Verse 438

When all faults are reckoned, one remains unrivaled:
the greedy grasping known as avarice.

Verse 439

Never indulge in admiring yourself.
Never be drawn toward deeds that do not benefit others.

Verse 440

Delighting in life’s pleasures in guarded privacy
nullifies the conspiring schemes of enemies.

Vidyasishya Pledge

Aum Namah Sivaya

Several days ago, following the Siva Abhishekam during the Ardra nakshatra, Arunesh, 13, and Poshika Eswaran 11, took their Vidyasishya pledges in front of Satguru at the Guru Peedam. The two are here with their family on pilgrimage from Dallas, Texas. The Vidyasishya pledge includes a dedication to uphold the yamas and niyamas in one's life, as well as to perform a ten-minute daily sadhana. Arunash also took his Brahmacharya Vrata. Aum.

Attending Your Innerversity – Part 2

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami gives his weekly Upadesha in Kadavul Temple. This week he continues on the subject of awareness, as found in the teachings of Sivaya Subramuniyaswami. Satguru also discusses the timing of astrological cycles in the world and in the monastery.

Alexander Arrives at the Aadheenam

Jai Ganesha!

Today Alexander arrived at the monastery to begin his time on our taskforce program. Our new taskforcer is originally from Northern California and he's here at Kauai Aadheenam to experience more of what it's like to be a monk. While here he'll live nearby the monastery, coming to the temple in the morning to attend Siva Puja and also learning about meditation with the monks. He'll then spend the day participating in the varied works that the monastic kulams do as their daily seva. Welcome to the Aadheenam Alexander! Aum Namah Sivaya.

Listen, while I tell you the Path to Liberation—
Truth, patience, calmness and discipline of self;
Discrimination between the eternal
And the passing;
Devotion to the humble servants of the Lord;
Rising in the early morning
And bathing before daybreak;
Repeating in the way prescribed
The flawless Letters Five;
Worshipping the Guru’s Feet;
Applying Holy Ash;
Eating but when hungry;
With the whole heart giving praise;
Studying the Shastras; seeing others as oneself;
Severing attachment to all property and wealth;
Speaking with fit courtesy; avoiding argument;
Driving from the mind
All thought of family and caste;
Being ever free of the smallest like or dislike;
Living and abiding beneath
The Lord’s Eternal Feet.
- Jnanaguru Yoganathan

World’s Smallest Pineapple?

Today we found this ripe little pineapple along the short wall which overlooks the pali (our cliff). Last year, one of our monks noticed that a planter along the wall had some space. Since he just happened to have a pineapple top in hand to place there, in it went. Something useful to remember, if you have a pineapple top (cut so that some of the fruit is left on it) you can plant it anywhere that it will get warmth and sun. Pretty soon (well... maybe in a few years) you'll have another fruit!

Eswaran Family Pilgrimage

Jai Ganesha!

These last few weeks the aadheenam has had the pleasure of hosting the Eswaran family while they've been here on pilgrimage. During their stay, they've all had plenty of wonderful opportunities for performing karma yoga. Sivaram has been helping in the Ganapati Kulam with some web work, while his son Arunesh has been helping the monks of the Siddhidatta Kulam. Devika, her parents Hotranatha and Punita, and her daughter Poshika have been helping to move Mini Mela goods and other items from their old storage location the new HAP (Himalayan Academy Publications) room that has been added on to the Pillaiyar Kulam's office building. The Family has also been enjoying pujas and meditative walks throughout the aadheenam's vast garden landscape. Aum Namah Sivaya.

Tirukural – Chapter 43

Chapter 43: Possession of Wisdom

Verse seeker
sits within a golden fortress of protection. Before him are the wisdom-filled holy texts. Outside the wall people are offering him various material inducements, but he is only interested in the truth.

TAKA Presents the Tirukural

You can access the entire text, in Tamil and English here:
Weaver's Wisdom

Verse 421

Wisdom is a weapon that can ward off destruction.
It is an inner fortress that no enemy can assail.

Verse 422

Wisdom will harness the mind, diverting it
from wrong and directing it toward right.

Verse 423

Whatever is heard from whomever's lips,
wisdom will rightly discern its true meaning.

Verse 424

Wisdom speaks well, conveying each meaning clearly,
and listens for the subtlest sense in others' speech.

Verse 425

The wise befriend the wise and keep that friendship constant,
not opening and closing it like the petaled lotus.

Verse 426

It is wisdom to live in the world
in the way that the world lives.

Verse 427

Those who know, know what will happen next.
Such things are unknown to the unknowing.

Verse 428

It is folly not to fear what ought to be feared.
So the wise dread what should be dreaded.

Verse 429

Fearsome sufferings shall never happen
to knowing ones who guard against future happenings.

Verse 430

Those who possess wisdom possess everything.
Whatever others possess, without wisdom they have nothing.

What Catches the Eye?

Aum Namah Sivaya

This month our island has seen a near-complete return of our large tourist population, but that also means that many of the aadheenam's devoted pilgrims are beginning to return as well. In just one example (of many) the Tanzi's from Boston have arrived for an extended stay on the island. Their daughter Lyla took these artistic photos to share with all of you. A reminder that this tropical and sacred paradise is still here, as silent and reenergizing as ever. Perhaps you yourself will be seeing it soon? Aum.

Attending Your Innerversity

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami gives his weekly Upadesha in Kadavul Temple. This week he continues on the subject of awareness as found in the teachings of Sivaya Subramuniyaswami.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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