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Tirukural – Chapter 49

Chapter 49: Understanding Timeliness

Verse 486
A muscular man stands patiently as a weaker man digs his heels into the ground, refusing to budge. The restraint of the stronger man is a noble virtue.

TAKA Presents the Tirukural

You can access the entire text, in Tamil and English here:
Weaver’s Wisdom

Verse 481

During the day, a crow can overcome the more powerful owl.
Desiring to defeat his enemy, a king must pick the proper time.

Verse 482

A man may tightly bind himself to prosperity
by the tether called timely action.

Verse 483

Is there any task too difficult for the man who acts
at the right time and with the proper means?

Verse 484

One may aim to acquire the whole world and succeed,
if actions target the right time and place.

Verse 485

Those who aim to own the world
must wait, unruffled, for the fitting hour.

Verse 486

The powerful man’s patient restraint is like the drawing back
of the fighting ram before he strikes the stunning blow.

Verse 487

When irate, clear-minded men never show it then and there.
Holding it within, they watch for an opportune moment.

Verse 488

Bow ever so humbly when meeting an enemy.
His own head will hang humiliated when, in time, he meets defeat.

Verse 489

When a rare opportunity comes your way, do not hesitate
to swiftly accomplish otherwise impossible tasks.

Verse 490

There are times to stay still as a stalking heron.
There are times to move swiftly as a heron strikes.

Iraivan Temple’s Vimanam Revealed!

Aum Namah Sivaya

After many days of meticulous work, the gold gilding on Iraivan Temple's Vimanam has been completed. The tarps have been removed and the glinting capstone can be seen in all its glory. The gilders have now moved on to the the temple's kodimaram. Aum.

Happy Chitra Nakshatra!

Jai Gurudeva!

Yesterday and today the the moon has been passing through the Chitra Nakshatra, one of 27 sections, and starts or constellations along the ecliptic. It was Chitra that was in prominence at Gurudeva's Mahasamadhi, and is thus the nakshatra used to determine our observance of our monthly padapuja. Yesterday evening the monks gathered in Kadavul temple for the event. Yogi Dayanatha and Yogi Haranandinatha performed the puja and abhishekam. Aum.

Through the Lens – August 22, 2021

Aum Namah Sivaya

This week our taskforcer Alexander has been working in the Media Studio with the Ganapati Kulam. Today he went on an adventure with our Fujifilm camera and documented the many little things that caught his eye.

Our Morning Rains

Aum Namah Sivaya
Today the Aadheenam received a full 3.5 inches of rain between 6am and noon. A morning of heavy rains and happy plants! Our taskforcer Alexander captures the weather in a timelapse as it flows over Iraivan Temple.

"The Truth is one. The rest is illusion. States of realization are also an illusion. Truth is betrayed by the first attempt at articulation. What else can one say. One may discuss the rains and the harvest and so on... You must realize It yourself. It is wrong even to put it that way. How does one express something changeless and beyond the mind? The whole is the Truth."- Yogaswami

A Golden Vimanam

Aum Namah Sivaya
Here's a sneak peak at Iraivan Temple's newly regilded golden vimanam. The Vimanam is a Hindu Temple's tower or roof-structure which rises over the central sanctum. It is this capstone over which the divinity-infused kumbha (water pot) gets poured during the temple's Kumbhabhishekam, its consecration ceremony. Aum.

Happy Sadhu Paksha!

This phase our monks find themselves in their second week of Sadhu Paksha. This is a time when the mathavasis change their usual morning routine and instead enjoy their sadhana unstructured, walking and meditating among nature. After Sadhu Paksha we will celebrate our change of seasons as we transition into the Jivana Ritau. Following the example of our monks, these few weeks are a great time for you to change your own daily routine and spend some time with nature. Today our drone captures the monastery grounds at sunrise during our morning sadhana hours. Aum.

Tirukural – Chapter 48

Chapter 48: Understanding Strength

Verse 476
A careless man has climbed a tree. In reaching for the fruits, he has gone too far and risks having the branch break. His companion, seeing the precariousness of his situation, warns him to be safe and go no farther.

TAKA Presents the Tirukural

You can access the entire text, in Tamil and English here:
Weaver's Wisdom

Verse 471

The prudent man acts after weighing the strength a deed demands,
his own strength and the strengths of allies and opposition.

Verse 472

Nothing is impossible for those who perceive the nature and means
of their task and proceed with determination.

Verse 473

Ignorant of their strengths, many plunge zealously
into projects, only to miscarry midway.

Verse 474

How swiftly men who praise themselves perish, unappraised of
their real measure, unable to live in peace with others.

Verse 475

Load too many of them, and even peacock feathers
would break a sturdy cart's axle.

Verse 476

He who has climbed out to the tip of a tree branch
and attempts to climb farther will forfeit his life.

Verse 477

Know the measure of your capacity to give, then give accordingly;
such clarity is the way wealth is preserved.

Verse 478

A small income is no cause for failure,
provided expenditures do not exceed it.

Verse 479

Prosperous as his life may appear, unless a man
measures well his wealth, it will disappear without a trace.

Verse 480

How swiftly a generous man's riches dwindle and die,
if he does not evaluate the limits of his means.

Let the Panchakshara Shine!

Aum. Recent progress on Iraivan Temple has included many little projects by the silpis, including a good deal of work to ensure the waterproof longevity of several misbehaving roof joints. The gold gilding on the caps stones has also recommenced with Micheal and his team having recently arrived back on island (but more on that to come). This week, Adaikalam has been finishing up his task of polishing the Panchakshara symbols on the steps which lead to Iraivan's sanctum. As you can see these dark "Na Ma Si Va Ya" squares now have greater contrast and visibility. This last layer of chiseling, using something of a "sand-paper" like chisel tip, can be vary time consuming, but the results are always astonishing.

Working in the Pillaiyar Kulam

This last month, our taskforcer Alexander has been working with the Pillaiyar Kulam. This kulam is responsible for finances, shipping, Mini Mela care and management, legal documents, endowments, cows, networks, IT and so much more. Apart from helping with the day-to-day items, and most recently helping in the Mini Mela gift shop, Alexander has been enjoying a few other fun projects. Aum.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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