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From Merging With Siva – The River of Life

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami gives his weekly upadesha in Kadavul Temple at Kauai’s Hindu Monastery in Hawaii. It is part one of a series of talks elaborating on the inspired teachings of Sivaya Subramuniyaswami as found in his book Merging With Siva. Here, Satguru discusses “The River of Life,” a talk given in 1957.

Tirukural – Chapter 52

Chapter 52: Testing and Employing Men

Verse 513
Here we see four different situations that indicate how trustworthy a man is. He is helping an injured boy who has fallen from a mango tree; he is settling a dispute that threatens to erupt in violence; he stands firm though he has been attacked by a thief and he is sending a businessman away who has offered him a bribe.

TAKA Presents the Tirukural

You can access the entire text, in Tamil and English here:
Weaver’s Wisdom

Verse 511

Employ men who discern the good and the bad
in every situation and naturally choose the good.

Verse 512

Let him do the work who can increase profits,
spread prosperity and search out problems.

Verse 513

He alone is trustworthy who fully possesses these four:
kindness, intelligence, assurance and freedom from greed.

Verse 514

Though tested fully in simulated settings,
many men function differently under working conditions.

Verse 515

Work should be entrusted to men based on their knowledge
and diligence and not merely on bonds of affection.

Verse 516

Consider the work, choose the workman,
calculate the timing with care, then commence.

Verse 517

Having decided, “This man is qualified to do this
work in this way,” leave him alone to perform it.

Verse 518

After ascertaining what work befits a man,
assign him to a fitting function.

Verse 519

Wealth withdraws from the man who refuses to acknowledge
the informal friendliness his workers wish to share with him.

Verse 520

The king should scrutinize his staff’s conduct daily.
If they do not go astray, the world will not go astray.

Our Sunset for the Phase

Aum Namah Sivaya
Today is the last day of our monks’ phase, so they’ll be heading into two days of retreat. We’ll see you again soon, but for now we leave you with this profound quote from Yogaswami:

“Existence is a value which is always judged by a conscious being.
The absence of consciousness cuts at the root of all value including existence. 
Thus the very perception of phenomena is the proof of Brahman.”

A Journey to Maha’ulepu

Over the last retreat, Siddhanathaswami, Tillainathaswami, Yogi Dayanatha and Alexander traveled to the southern shores of our island for a beautiful hike along the Maha'ulepu cliffs. The cliffs are made of countless layers of compacted sand and lava rock. They are slowly being eroded by the powerful ocean waves, creating unique and stunning formations along the cliffside. This part of the coast is also incredibly windy, with constant gusts that make it hard to hear anything else apart from the clapping of the salty waves.

The hike began with a walk along the Makauwahi cave trail, which leads past this ancient cave and down to the Makauwahi tortoise reserve. After that our adventurers made their way along Maha'ulepu Beach and around the point to Kawailoa Bay Beach which marks the beginning of our cliffside walk leading to Kamala Point.

"From the top of the mountain looking down, you see the natural role of a raging ocean and the steep cliffs below--they are beautiful. From the bottom of the mountain, the ocean can appear ominous and the cliffs treacherous. The fact remains that deep inside you is perfection. So, you see, you have a choice. You can remain in the valley, live in fear of the stormy ocean of life and death, or you can scale the nearby mountain and see from the top how it is from that perspective. Either way, you and everyone in the world are all right in the now." - Gurudeva

Five Kleshas

The monastery has commissioned Suresh Muthukulam of Kerala, India, to paint ten works of art for a book we plan to publish next year. It is Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami's own commentary on Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. We thought you would enjoy seeing them now and then as they come in. This one is a blissful yogi on a flying carpet hovering above Siva's Mount Kailas in radiant blessedness. His carpet is held up by a gust of wind created by Vayu, Lord of the Wind.

The Story of an Unexpected Siva Bhaktar

Aum Sivaya

Over the last month, one of our monks had been documenting the existence of a baby praying mantis, until one day something changed in the life of this unique little creature. Look through the slideshow to enjoy the full story! Aum Namah Sivaya

September 2021 Ardra Nakshatra

Aum Namah Sivaya!

Today the Ardra nakshatra was celebrated with our monthly abhishekam to Lord Nataraja in Kadavul Temple. Many blessing to you from Kadavul Temple on this auspicious day!

"Following the luminous column in the spine that shines with all brilliance and showers the nectar of bliss, if the sādhaka reaches the highest plane of dvādaśānta—which is identical with the Golden Hall of Lord Naṭarāja—he could see the presence of Śiva whose form is of the nature of the pure space of supreme consciousness. To those sādhakas who are firmly established in such a supreme yōga and who are efficacious in safeguarding their present blissful state without being affected by the five senses, to them Lord Śiva would always be a perennial source of ineffable Bliss causing the unfoldment of the exalted eight qualities, sarvajñatva and others.

"For the dance which is efficacious in enabling the aspirant hear the melodious inner sounds, He is the composer and He is the theme. He Himself assumes the form of akāra, ukāra and other seed letter. For the tattva-dance which is characterized by the letter ‘hrīm,’ is Śiva Himself, the presiding Lord. The transcendent location in which He dances has emerged as willed by Him. The performance of this unique dance known as the ajapa-dance is itself Lord Naṭarāja. He is both the performer and the performance."
- Tirumantiram 815, 901

The Ninth Mambashum

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami gives part ten of a series of talks which give insight and elaboration into a variety of fascinating concepts revealed in the Shum language of meditation. Here, Satguru gives special attention to the 54 mambashum—important areas of the mind detailed by Shum.

Tirukural – Chapter 51

Chapter 51: Testing and Trusting Men

Verse 501
In choosing a partner, this businessman is studying whether one candidate deals virtuously with four situations. Not well, he finds, for the man is seen cheating at cards, carousing, indulging his appetites and failing to accept the natural passing of a relative.

TAKA Presents the Tirukural

You can access the entire text, in Tamil and English here:
Weaver's Wisdom

Verse 501

Pick that man who passes a four-fold test:
how he handles virtue, wealth, pleasure and loss of life.

Verse 502

Place trust in a man of good family, free from faults,
with a modest nature that dreads reproach.

Verse 503

Even faultless, deeply learned men, when closely examined,
are rarely found to be entirely free from ignorance.

Verse 504

Weigh a man's merits and weigh his faults,
then judge him according to the greater.

Verse 505

The touchstone that discloses a man's greatness
or smallness is simply this: his deeds.

Verse 506

Beware of trusting men who have no kin.
Unattached to people, they are unashamed of misdeeds.

Verse 507

When a man employs a know-nothing out of affection,
he engages all kinds of foolishness.

Verse 508

To trust a stranger without investigation invites troubles
so endless that even descendants must endure them.

Verse 509

Without investigation, trust no one. Having investigated,
entrust a man with matters for which he is trustworthy.

Verse 510

To trust a man who has not been tested and to suspect a man
who has proven trustworthy lead alike to endless ills.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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