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Reincarnation – Part 1

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami gives his weekly upadesha in Kadavul Temple at Kauai’s Hindu Monastery in Hawaii. It is part of a series of talks elaborating on the inspired teachings of Sivaya Subramuniyaswami as found in his book Merging With Siva. Here, Satguru discusses “Reincarnation,” a talk given in 1958.

How to Say “Thank You”?

When we set our 2021 Digital Dharma Drive goal at $75,000 back in October, it was not a certainty that we would reach it by year's end. We hoped, but could not know.

Today we know that the goal was reached, and exceeded significantly. Our supporters around the blue sphere we call home sent almost $100,000, a number that will enable us to do some amazing things in the year ahead. We know this is an affirmation of Gurudeva's life and mission. Gurudeva gave unusual prominence to communications, beginning with publishing books and evolving into audio books, spiritual art, the Master Course study, web sites, children's resources and more.

He would certainly be heartened by this unstinting response from hundreds of you who love his vision of a global Hindu family coupled with a strong affirmation of Saivite tradition and who trust his small band of monks to carry that mission forward into the next decade. We honor his vision with a short slideshow today.

Just saying Mahalo nui loa seemed paltry, so we want to give you something that might brighten your year. It is a link to our newest book, Lion Sage: Merging with Siva for Children. It took three years to design, write and illustrate this kids' book, and now we find adults are reading it, for fun. If you know families with boys and girls around 6 to 10, you may share this with them, a creative way for parents to connect spiritually with the young ones and for kids to learn about mystical life while being entertained. Gurudeva loved to give kids books about their culture and religion, to impress their young minds before the power of worldliness came into their lives.

Please know without a doubt that you have prodded us forward another twelve months by your generosity.

-The Monks of Kauai's Hindu Monastery

Tirukural – Chapter 69

Chapter 69: Ambassadors

Verse 681
Within an ornate council chamber, the king has summoned two of his ministers. Both are attentive to him and of a gentle nature. One holds a white dove of peace. Clearly he is of a noble family, for he is highly bejeweled and refined in nature.

TAKA Presents the Tirukural

You can access the entire text, in Tamil and English here:
Weaver's Wisdom

Verse 681

Kindliness, high birth and a nature congenial to kings
comprise the innate disposition of an ambassador.

Verse 682

Kindliness, knowingness and deliberateness of speech
are three necessities a diplomat finds indispensable.

Verse 683

An envoy sent to announce to lance-bearing monarchs
his own king's imminent victory must be a pandit among pandits.

Verse 684

Send him on mission who possesses three attractive traits:
well-winnowed wisdom, modest dignity and ample learning.

Verse 685

Whatever good an ambassador procures derives from succinct
speech, cheerful conversation and avoidance of argument.

Verse 686

An envoy is educated, eloquently persuasive, unafraid of
the fiercest stare and knows what befits the moment.

Verse 687

He is unsurpassed who knows duty and place,
judges the suitable time and thinks before he speaks.

Verse 688

Integrity, influence and intrepidity--these three and truthfulness
are qualities of one who faithfully delivers his monarch's message.

Verse 689

Commission him to deliver the monarch's mandates
who has a steady gaze and never blurts out flawed words.

Verse 690

An ambassador fearlessly extends his king's glory,
though he might thereby expend his own life.

Temples of Jaunsar-Bawar Uttrakhand

An advance look at a coming photo feature in Hinduism Today showcasing the temples of Jaunsar-Bawar Uttrakhand region of the Himalayas. Most of these temples are dedicated to the Deity Mahasu, a form of Siva. Photos by Dev Raj Agarwal

December 2021 Chitra Puja

"The only real security comes from within. Gain security, and if your security comes from within you, you become unburdened."

Jai Gurudeva!

This morning our monks celebrated the chitra nakshatra with our monthly padapuja to Gurudeva. Yogis Dayanatha and Haranandinatha performed the abhishekam in Kadavul Temple. The monks gathered to chant Sri Rudram and meditate, inwardly connecting to Gurudeva's mystical presence.

Tirukural – Chapter 68

Chapter 68: Modes of Action

Verse 675
A man and wife have met to discuss their future plans. She hopes to build a school, and he has aspirations for a new hospital. They are pondering the choice, looking at good timing from the calendar before and examining the funds that might be available. Wisely, they are considering well all of the elements that will help them decide the right thing to do.

TAKA Presents the Tirukural

You can access the entire text, in Tamil and English here:
Weaver's Wisdom

Verse 671

Deliberation ends when a decision is reached.
To delay that decision's execution is detrimental.

Verse 672

Slumber when sleepy work awaits,
but never rest when actions demand sleepless vigilance.

Verse 673

Direct action is good whenever possible,
but when it is not, seek other means of success.

Verse 674

Reflect on this: efforts and enemies, if left unfinished,
can both ravage you like an unextinguished fire.

Verse 675

Before acting, resolve all doubts by pondering five points:
cost, means, time, place and the action itself.

Verse 676

Discern the outcome of an enterprise, the obstacles and the
opulent earnings that successful effort assures--then act.

Verse 677

The way to accomplish any task is to ascertain
the inmost thoughts of an expert in that task.

Verse 678

Just as one elephant may be used to tether another,
so one task may be the means of accomplishing another.

Verse 679

Before bestowing kind favors on friends,
hasten to befriend those still estranged.

Verse 680

Sensing with trepidation their peoples' fears, leaders of
minor realms bow and accept the terms of mightier rulers.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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