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The Last Day of Our Year

Aum Ganesha,

Today is the last day of our year of Plava Samvatsara. Tomorrow we move into Shubhakrita, which translates as the year of "auspicious actions," a time for doing good deeds.

Our wandering sadhus send us some photos from their early morning sadhanas. A peaceful end to a quiet day at Kauai Aadheenam.

"Even a great soul faces difficulties, but he does not take them personally. Generally people take problems too personally by identifying closely with them." - Gurudeva

Yogaswami Mahasamadhi 2022

Jai Nanadinatha Sampradaya!
Jai to the Kailasa Parampara!
Jai to Siva Yoganathan!

Today we celebrate Yogaswami's 59th Mahasamadhi day. Currently the monks are observing Sadhu Paksha, which means there's not a formal group sadhana. Still, Yogi Dayanatha decorated Yogaswami's shrine and many of the monks attended for a short arati in honor of the Lion of Lanka.

Enjoy this chapter from The Guru Chronicles audio book, "Yogaswami, Peerless Master"

Tirukural – Chapter 83

Chapter 83: False Friendship

Verse 828
A gentleman stands with hands folded across his chest. He is confronting a wicked fellow who has approached him. Though the intruder bows with a smile, inside his heart hides a dagger of intended harm.

TAKA Presents the Tirukural

You can access the entire text, in Tamil and English here:
Weaver's Wisdom

Verse 821

The friendship of those who feign affection is an anvil
on which they hammer you when the opportunity arises.

Verse 822

For those who act like friends, but are not,
friendship fluctuates like a fickle woman.

Verse 823

Though their learning may be abundantly good,
ignoble men rarely learn goodness of heart.

Verse 824

Fear the cunning friend who, harboring
wickedness in his heart, smiles sweetly to your face.

Verse 825

Distrust whatever words may come from men
whose hearts do not beat in harmony with your own.

Verse 826

Sounding very much like a good friend's words,
a rival's words are nonetheless known very quickly.

Verse 827

Knowing how the bending of a bow forebodes nothing but harm,
never trust an enemy, though he bends low in his speech.

Verse 828

Folded in respect, a foe's hands may hide a dagger.
So, too, his tears dare not be trusted.

Verse 829

Men may amply aid you, yet despise you in their heart;
make them laugh, but let feigned friendship die.

Verse 830

When the time comes that foes pose as friends,
keep a friendly face but banish their brotherhood from your heart.

Final Shivoham Wallpaper

Hope you are all having a pleasant hot-plasma-sphere day. Sunday, that is! Today the craftsmen from the Big Island of Hawaii came back to install the art on the southern wall of Sivoham, the monastery guest house. They truly saved the best for last. Hopefully you will be able to see it in person someday. Aum!

(If you haven't yet, check out the April 3rd post for the story)

Ending the Phase with an Ardra Abhishekam

Aum Namah Sivaya!

Today marks the sixth and final day of our monks' lunar week. A perfect day to have aligned with our monthly Nataraja abhishekam during the Ardra nakshatra. Apart from the dancing energies reverberating from Kadavul Temple's inner sanctum today, our high altitude trade winds have produced many dancing clouds as well. This timelapse shows the winds and clouds during sunrise, just before our Ardra abhishekam would take place. Aum.

"All is God Siva Himself, in Him and of Him. A perfect cosmos has issued forth from a perfect Creator." - Gurudeva

Preparing a Garden Grove

Aum Namah Sivaya

Today we bring you the short story of a small area of nature near our Mini Mela building, which many might not notice as they walk by. After a good many years, plants do like they do here, grow a little wild (by gardeners' standards, that is). Sannyasin Kaivalyanathaswami has recently been adding a little refinement back into one of these areas. With the help of Jim, Swami has been making a small manicured clearing within a colorful hedge, returning it to its former glory as a serene sanctuary. Peruse the slideshow to learn more.

Hinduism Today’s Latest Issue in the Russian Language

Aum Namah Sivaya, Today we received this latest issue of Hinduism Today Magazine in the Russian Language. It has been lovingly crafted to accommodate a transformation into the more lengthy Cyrillic text by Dinanatha and his team. You can download it here: Along with this issue, Dinanatha includes this short message: Dear Sadasivanathaswami, Satguru and Kauai Aadheenam,
I am pleased to announce that in these difficult times in the world and in Russia, in particular, by the grace of Lord Shiva and our beloved Gurudeva, we continue to work for the benefit of Shaiva Siddhanta and Sanatana Dharma. The new Russian version of the magazine "Hinduism Today" has been published... Jai Jai
With kind regards, Dinanatha B. OM NAMAH SHIVAYA!

the issue's Gatefold
Satguru's Publisher's Desk Article
Pages from the Educational Insight section

Savoring Sadhu Paksha

This phase of our moon brings with it Sadhu Paksha, a time for the mathavasis to switch up their morning routine and solitarily mediate around the monastery. Being in nature is a great boon for meditation so perhaps visit a state or local park nearby that you have yet to visit, and surround your body with plants of various sizes. Sadhu Paksha comes in preparation for the transition from the Moksha Ritau to Nartana Ritau, our change of seasons. Om Namah Sivaya

Tirukural – Chapter 82

Chapter 82: Harmful Friendship

Verse 816
A knowledgeable scholar is seated on the floor at his desk. He is looking sternly at and correcting his young prodigy, who hangs his head in shame for some shortcomings. Still the youth values the teacher’s friendship more than those outside the compound who are indolent and foolish.

TAKA Presents the Tirukural

You can access the entire text, in Tamil and English here:
Weaver's Wisdom

Verse 811

Though unscrupulous men may seem to consume you in friendship,
their companionship grows more delightful as it declines.

Verse 812

What does it matter if one gains or loses the friendship
of manipulators who befriend to gain and otherwise forsake?

Verse 813

Prostitutes, thieves and people who make friends
to make money are all alike.

Verse 814

Some men are like an untrained horse that throws its rider
on the battlefield. Loneliness is better than their friendship.

Verse 815

Better to give up than to gain the friendship of inferior men
who stay away when they should stay and help.

Verse 816

The enmity of the wise is ten million times
better than intimate friendship with fools.

Verse 817

An enemy's rancor is a hundred million times more worthwhile
than companionship with fellows who always clown around.

Verse 818

If friends feign inability to discharge reasonable tasks,
remain silent and gradually give up their friendship.

Verse 819

The fellowship of men whose acts
belie their spoken words is bitter, even in dreams.

Verse 820

There are men who will cherish you in private but censure you
in public--avoid their every befriending approach.

Shivoham gets a Wallpaper Makeover

Shivoham, the residence where taskforcers and potential monks live during their stay, has for a long time been jealous of the incredible art lining the walls of various monastery buildings. To cheer her up we commissioned craftsmen from the Big Island to help print and install new wallpaper which designed with the works of S. Rajam, as assembled by Sadasivanathaswami. The new designs have increased the vibration and general pleasentness of the main dining, kitchen and gathering room.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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