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Tirukural – Chapter 85

Chapter 85: Ignorance

Verse 847
A farmer has climbed out on the branch of a tree, but he is sitting on the wrong side and is about to injure himself. The owner of the orchard rushes up to warn him and urge him not to proceed.

TAKA Presents the Tirukural

You can access the entire text, in Tamil and English here:
Weaver’s Wisdom

Verse 841

Dearth of wisdom is the direst destitution.
Other poverties the world deems less impoverishing.

Verse 842

If any merit is gained when a fool gives a gift, however gladly,
it is due to the recipient’s past penance and nothing else.

Verse 843

The suffering that ignorant men inflict upon themselves
can hardly be contrived by their enemies.

Verse 844

What is stupidity, you ask? It is the conceit
that dares to declare, “I am wise.”

Verse 845

He who pretends to knowledge he does not possess
raises doubts about the things he really knows.

Verse 846

Fools follow a perverse path, clothing their well-formed naked body,
yet never thinking to conceal their deformed mind.

Verse 847

Neglecting valuable advice, an ignorant man
becomes the cause of his own misery.

Verse 848

That soul who neither follows another’s orders nor fathoms what to
do himself creates nothing but torment until he leaves this life.

Verse 849

As an unseeing man sees only the ways of his own mind, whoever
attempts to open the eyes of those who will not see is himself blind.

Verse 850

He who denies as false what the world declares
to be true is deemed to be an earthly demon.

Today’s Story Will Absolutely Floor You!

Aloha all! Today the first 28 of some 50 pallets of floor stones from China arrived today at Iraivan Temple. These are one-inch thick, red granite slabs up to two feet by two feet square. They will go on the second prakaram, the floor area between the temple building and the outer perimeter wall. They're first being set on the ground in front and beside the temple, where they will wait patiently to be raised up to the floor near the Nandi mandapam. We'll soon be meeting with the tile setter, Brian Oliver, to figure out how best to organize the 1800 individual tiles which are in about 70 different sizes. A real-life, very expansive puzzle! Precutting all the pieces allows for more uniformity in the final floor, and also makes the tile setters' job easier—if they can keep track of which tiles go where! Aum Namah Sivaya

New Podcast Episode Recorded at the Monastery

Today two women from a spiritual podcast titled "Two Average Girls" came today and recorded an interview with Sadasivanathaswami. They brought all of their equipment and set up microphones and cameras in the media studio where the podcast took place. The woman to Sadasivanathaswami's right is Anne, the wife of Warren Owen, and the women to his left is Denise, who is a friend of the Owen's and frequent visitor to the monastery. They are good friends and their spiritual podcast is a regular activity of theirs. Denise lives in California and is on island with her husband. Dennis Wong, who does a lot of excavator work for the monastery, also does a lot of work for Warren, whose house the monks go to get coconuts for festivals. Kieth who builds fences for us, is Warren's property manager. It's amazing how connected people are here, it really is a small island. When the podcast is uploaded we might share it on TAKA so look out for that! Aum!

Special Delivery From Bengaluru

How does the One appear as two? We don't know, but what we do know is that some stunning stone murtis and lingams are on their way to Kauai along with the final stone shipments needed to complete Iraivan temple. All of them are carved by adept artisans from the same site where Iraivan's stones are crafted. These stone carved items will be put up for sale in the mini mela for anyone to buy.

April 2022 Chitra Padapuja

Jai Gurudeva!

Over their recent full moon retreat, our monks celebrated the Chitra Nakshatra with our monthly padapuja to Gurudeva. Local shishya were able to attend this month's padapuja as well. Everyone enjoyed Gurudeva's calming presence as Yogi Dayanatha and Nirvani Tejadevanatha performed the abhishekam. Aum.

"There is no place to go except inside yourself." - Gurudeva

The Astral Body – Part 2

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami gives his weekly upadesha in Kadavul Temple at Kauai's Hindu Monastery in Hawaii. It is part of a series of talks elaborating on the inspired teachings of Sivaya Subramuniyaswami as found in his book Merging With Siva. Here, Satguru discusses "The Astral Body," a talk given in 1960

The Astral Body – Part 1

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami gives his weekly upadesha in Kadavul Temple at Kauai's Hindu Monastery in Hawaii. It is part of a series of talks elaborating on the inspired teachings of Sivaya Subramuniyaswami as found in his book Merging With Siva. Here, Satguru discusses "The Astral Body," a talk given in 1960

Tirukural – Chapter 84

Chapter 84: Folly

Verse 836
A carpenter attempts to build a hut for a client, but it is unstable, for he does not know how to do it. He soon finds himself in trouble as the people witnessing this ask him to return the money that they have loaned him for the task.

TAKA Presents the Tirukural

You can access the entire text, in Tamil and English here:
Weaver's Wisdom

Verse 831

What is folly? It is holding on to that which is harmful
and throwing away that which is helpful.

Verse 832

The folly of all follies is to find pleasure in
doing what one is forbidden to do.

Verse 833

To be shameless, uninquisitive, loveless and uncaring
are four failings common among all fools.

Verse 834

No fool is more foolish than one who eagerly expounds
his learning to others while failing to follow it himself.

Verse 835

It only takes a single birth for a fool to earn by his efforts
a morass of misery in the succeeding seven births.

Verse 836

Not knowing how to act, when a fool undertakes an enterprise,
he doesn't just fail, he shackles himself in chains.

Verse 837

Should a fool fall upon a great fortune,
strangers will feast while his family starves.

Verse 838

If a fool happens to acquire something of value,
he will behave like a drunken lunatic.

Verse 839

Friendship among fools is particularly sweet,
for there is not the slightest pain when they part.

Verse 840

A fool's stepping into a saintly council
is like entering a clean bed with filthy feet.

The Guru Chronicles – Tamil

The Guru Chronicles is the inspiring tale of our Nandinatha Sampradaya, a spiritual storybook which explores over 2,000 years of the history and lives of seven extraordinary gurus. Gurudeva set the book in motion in Sri Lanka back in 1972. It was decades in the making and was finally printed in English in 2011. Today, inspired by the Hindu New Year, we announce the release of the recently completed Tamil translation of this important book.

You can go here to download the pdf, epub or mobi:

To learn about the amazing work required to create the book, go to the web link below which takes you to the English version of the preface.

And, we will soon upload a version to the web, so that you can read it online.

New Year New Nartana Ritau

Everyone likes to have something new, how about having a happy new Year!

Today, the Sun moved into the sign of Mesha (Aries) which marks the beginning of a new year on many Indian calendars including those of South India.

For us it is the time for beginning our new spring season, the Nartana Ritau!

Nartana Ritau, the season of Dancing with Siva, begins on Tamil New Year. This is the period of creation, the warm season, from mid-April through mid-August. The key word of this season is planning. The colors are orange, yellow-gold and all shades of green-orange for renunciation, yellow-gold for action and green for regeneration.

High above, the main flag flies the color orange, heralding the Nartana Ritau throughout this season, symbolizing sadhana and self-control. The other colors adorn smaller flags. This is the season of giving special attention to those in the grihastha ashrama. It is a time of awakening, renewal, review. The emphasis is on seeing ahead, planning for future years. It is a time of planning retreats and other activities for youths and adults for the entire year.
The Saiva Dharma Shastras are studied; and any needed additions in supplementary manuals, representing new growth, are made. The practical focus is completion of unfinished projects. Secular holidays to observe among the families include Mother's Day in May, Father's Day in June and Grandparent's Day in August.

This season of harvest and new growth is also the time to review and reestablish picking and planting routines for the gardens. It is a time for ordering seeds and plants for the year, of planting trees, fragrant vines and the annual crop. Review is made for scheduling the care of all realms of the Aadheenam's acreage. Kadavul temple and the Guru Temple are cleaned and renewed during this season and the adjacent grounds receive special, abundant attention. Karma yogis are invited to help in this and other areas with planting and weeding, digging, fertilizing, fence repair and more. The daily sadhana is the Sivachaitanya Panchatantra: experiencing nada, jyoti, prana, bhakti and darshana. In Sanskrit, it is a time of learning new slokas and mantras. In the family community, prasnottara satsanga is held for one and all to attend. Families plan for their annual pilgrimage. Shrine rooms are renewed and redecorated for the year, and the clothing of all is renewed in the Hindu style of the current fashion. It is a time of doing things for others, religious outreach. It is a time of hatha yoga and philosophical teaching.

May your new year be filled with blessings, enjoy the photos of our monks raising the season's bright orange flag. Aum!

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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