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Shiny New Avudaiyar

Aumloha! I hope this Tuesday has been better than all previous Tuesdays! It sure has been an incredible Tuesday for the 4600kg, 10,141.26lb bronze avudaiyar which has been in Iraivan Temple's sanctum for several years after being shipped here from India. It became discolored from the salty air during its ocean voyage. After trying several different methods for cleaning it, we've landed on one that works quite well. If you haven't seen already, we've attached some links for you to learn more about this amazing artifact!

Tirukural – Chapter 86

Chapter 86: Hatred

Verse 858
Two people of different clans have gathered in fiery contention and hateful argument. Above, two brothers flee the conflict and their wealth is saved. Below, a man approaches the fight, inflaming it further. As a result, his home above burns to the ground.

TAKA Presents the Tirukural

You can access the entire text, in Tamil and English here:
Weaver's Wisdom

Verse 851

It is said that hatred is the disease that spreads
the plagues of discord among all living creatures.

Verse 852

Though men devise disunity and deliberately harm you,
the highest path plots no hateful retribution.

Verse 853

Removing the incurable cancer called hatred
reveals one's immortal, undiminishing splendor.

Verse 854

The quelling of hatred, that sorrow of sorrows,
confers on man the joy of joys.

Verse 855

Who is there who can conquer those
who have relinquished all hostilities?

Verse 856

For all who boast that they take delight in hatred,
failure and death are drawing near.

Verse 857

Men filled with hatred, knowingly causing harm to others,
never see that their hoped-for triumph lies in God's true grace.

Verse 858

Wealth increases when a man walks away from hatred
and diminishes whenever he draws it near.

Verse 859

Seeing a prosperous season approach, men neglect hatred.
In times of ruin, they nurture it lavishly.

Verse 860

Out of hatred springs all bitter suffering,
while cheerful friendship yields good fortune's every joy.

Lunch Preparation in Progress

Here are a few photos from a recent lunch prep in the Aadheenam kitchen.
We have a extra abundance of tomatoes coming from the hydroponic greenhouse right now.

The Astral Body – Part 3

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami gives his weekly upadesha in Kadavul Temple at Kauai's Hindu Monastery in Hawaii. It is part of a series of talks elaborating on the inspired teachings of Sivaya Subramuniyaswami as found in his book Merging With Siva. Here, Satguru discusses "The Astral Body," a talk given in 1960.

Pillaiyar Kulam Office Expansion

Bonjour all,

Today we will be visiting a thing that did not technically occur today, but in a way, you reading this right now is creating it today. Anyways!.. Work has begun on the Pillaiyar Kulam office expansion. The Pillayar Kulam is the group of monks who oversee the Mini Mela, magazine subscription, and much much more. The space has been quite tight for a long time so its great to see the building getting a much needed confidence boost. This building will accommodate current and future monks for many years to come. Aum

Relocating Noni Trees

On our agricultural land across the Wailua River, we have a large planting of Noni trees for making our Wailua River Noni Juice. In a previously planted field, several rows of young trees are starting to outgrow their space. It's time for us to remove some and plant them out in a recently prepared field. Acharya Arumuganathaswami, Sannyasins Saravananathaswami and Tillainathaswami, Brahmachari Akash and Doug all joined forces to amend the soil and relocate the new trees. Aum.

“Big Brother” Loner Excavator is a Boon

Recently, the small Caterpillar excavator we own went to the shop in Puhi industrial park for maintenance and replacement parts. Because the process is taking a lot longer than anticipated, the CAT headquarters in Honolulu agreed to loan us a slightly larger excavator for free because our projects need to continue moving forward, especially on drier days.

Here are a few photos of the larger machine (with our part time employee Dennis Wong and long-time friend of the monastery) which is a boon since it can make quicker work of some types of projects.

Rangoli in Kadavul

Greetings fellow Siva Bhaktars! Over the retreat we had an impromptu visit from a kolam artist named Divya. For those of you who don't know. Kolam is a traditional art form of South India in which multi-colored rice flower is used to draw elaborate, ephemeral arrangements in fronts of homes and temples. Divya created multiple kolams in and around Kadavul each increasing in complexity as she approached Nataraja. The design lasts for a day or so and can easily be cleaned as it is only made from rice flower. Aum!

Hanuman Bhaktar


We came across this devotee recently. He says he chants Hanuman Chalisa every day without fail. Always nice to see such a devoted bhaktar.
Aum Anjaneyaya Namah.

The Aura and the Instinctive Mind

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami gives his weekly upadesha in Kadavul Temple at Kauai's Hindu Monastery in Hawaii. It is part of a series of talks elaborating on the inspired teachings of Sivaya Subramuniyaswami as found in his book Merging With Siva. Here, Satguru discusses "The Astral Body," a talk given in 1960.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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