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Tirukural – Chapter 97

Chapter 97: Honor

Verse 970
A man has been brought to a judge in a secure courthouse. The judge finds him guilty and offers him two choices of punishment, shown by the two fingers he holds up. The accused does not see honor in either of those choices, and he holds up a third finger on his hand to indicate he is choosing death instead of dishonoring his innocence.

TAKA Presents the Tirukural

You can access the entire text, in Tamil and English here:
Weaver’s Wisdom

Verse 961

Shun any actions that will diminish honor,
even if they are vital for the preservation of life.

Verse 962

Those who honorably pursue glory never act ingloriously,
even if glorious fame is to be gained.

Verse 963

Cultivate modesty in the midst of good fortune,
but in times of adversity preserve your dignity.

Verse 964

Honorable men fallen from high status
are like useless hair fallen from the head.

Verse 965

Unworthy acts, though mustard-seed small, will bring down
a man, though he towers like a mountain.

Verse 966

It offers neither Earth’s renown nor Heaven’s refuge,
so why do men run after and stand by those who revile them?

Verse 967

Better to die right where you stand, the saying goes,
than to live running after those who despise you.

Verse 968

Will any medicine preserve the body of the high-born man
whose honor has already perished?

Verse 969

Shorn of its hair, the yak will refuse to live.
Such men do exist who prefer death to the loss of honor.

Verse 970

The world will extol and exalt honorable men
who exult in death rather than endure dishonor.

Volcanic Cinder

For years we have bought black cinder in 20# bags for our tropical propagation efforts. Our high rainfall (up to 122" a year) requires plants to have excellent drainage, lest they drown during weeks of daily rainfall. Black cinder is the ideal medium for this. Light and porous, it allows water to reach the roots but then keep moving down and away from the plant.

Recently a local soil expert offered to ship us 40 yards of black cinder from the Big Island, at a savings of 80% from our old Home Depot source. We said yes, only later discovering this container was meant for his business, and he rerouted it for the monastery and reordered for his own needs. Goodness is still alive and well in the Pacific Islands.

The slideshow explores the world of lava rock.

Color’s Magic – Part 2

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami gives his weekly upadesha in Kadavul Temple at Kauai's Hindu Monastery in Hawaii. It is part of a series of talks elaborating on the inspired teachings of Sivaya Subramuniyaswami as found in his book Merging With Siva. Here, Satguru discusses "Color's Magic," based on a series of talks given in 1960.

Mauritius Satguru Purnima, and Gurudeva Pavilion Unveiled

This was a special Satguru Purnima padapuja at our Spiritual Park because it was the first to be held since lockdowns were ended. A new addition to the Spiritual Park made it extra special. We now have a beautiful new pavilion to honor Gurudeva, Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami as the founder. It is in a appropriately prominent position, just across from the front entrance gate and very close to the Panchamukha Ganapati Mandapam. With a oval wood floor and water tank/fountain wrapping around Gurudeva's photo, the design is elegant. Click here for many more photos of the opening ceremony followed by padapuja to the paduka of Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami.

2022 Guru Purnima

Early this morning the aadheenam celebrated Guru Purnima with an early morning parade and puja honoring Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami. Following the chariot parade down San Marga, our monks and devotees sat down for a pada puja as Satguru entered deep meditation. After the puja, satguru gave blessings to all present.

Kularnava Tantra:
GURU devotion

Lord Siva: "There is One Real. Call it Siva. This Parabrahman is formless, stainless, one without a second, changeless, beyond the highest. This Mahesvara is all-knowing, all-doing, sovereign of all, self-luminous, without beginning or end. All embodied souls, jivas, all the born creatures, are portions of Me, like sparks of the fire. But human birth is the most important, for it is then that one becomes awake, aware of his state of bondage and the necessity of release. It is then that one is in a position to take steps for his liberation from bondage's hold.

"Humans have a self-will and are not totally subject to the impulses and drives of nature as are other creatures. It is only on this earth--and that too in a human body endowed with a soul--that one can choose one's path for spiritual progress. But not all are aware of the precious opportunity afforded by human birth, which is truly the ladder to Liberation. The Self is to be realized only here in this life. If here you do not find it and work out the means for your Liberation, where else is it possible? It is possible nowhere else. It has to be worked out by yourself from within yourself.

"The world you reach after the physical body is shed is determined by the level of consciousness reached while in the body. So, as long as the body lasts, exert yourself towards the goal of Liberation.

"Remember, the physical body does not last forever. Age prowls like a leopard; diseases attack like an enemy. Death waits not to see what is done or not done. Before the limbs lose their vitality, before adversities crowd in upon you, take to the auspicious path.
Therefore, choose, then worship a Satguru. Worship his feet. Cherish the very sandals (paduka) which hold his feet. All knowledge is founded on those paduka. Remember and cherish those paduka, which yield infinitely more merit than any number of observances, gifts, sacrifices, pilgrimages, mantra-japa and rituals of worship."

Tirukural – Chapter 96


The Qualities of People

Chapter 96: Nobility

Verse 960
An accomplished artist, whose masterpiece is behind him, has just received a trophy and monetary awards for his achievement. He is enjoying the accolades of the crowd who have come to the event. He shows his nobility by pressing his hands together and honoring all present in true humility.

TAKA Presents the Tirukural

You can access the entire text, in Tamil and English here:
Weaver's Wisdom

Verse 951

An innate sense of right and shying away from wrong
are found together only in the nobly born.

Verse 952

Men of noble birth will never fall away from these three:
correct conduct, truthfulness and modesty.

Verse 953

Four traits define the true gentleman: a smiling face,
a generous hand, a courteous demeanor and kindly words.

Verse 954

Though millions upon millions could be gained by it,
men nobly born would never commit a demeaning deed.

Verse 955

Though their means of charitableness may be cut off,
venerable families will never be severed from propriety.

Verse 956

Those committed to their family's flawless fame
dare not commit deceitful, dishonorable deeds.

Verse 957

In high-born men, blemishes are clearly seen,
just as the moon's elevation makes it more visible.

Verse 958

When a man with good background lacks loving affection,
doubts arise whether he arose from that family.

Verse 959

The nature of a soil is known by the seedlings it sprouts.
The nature of a man's family is known by the words he speaks.

Verse 960

Those desiring greatness must desire modesty. Those seeking
their family's honor must seek to be respectful to all.

Recent Pilgrims

On July 4th Suresh and his son Krish met with Satguru. The two live in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida and they came on a short pilgrimage here. Suresh is physician involved in research into innovative ways of healing, using light sound and other subtle means that are reminiscent of ancient spiritual teachings.

They've been attending pujas, doing Ganga sadhana, meeting as many of the swamis as possible, and generally wanting to make most of their precious time here. Krish, who just turned 16, joined the monks of the Ganapati Kulam on July 8th for a 9-day preview of our taskforce program. While here he is receiving instruction and guidance in meditation.

July 2022 Chitra Puja

Jai Gurudeva!

With our celebration of Guru Purnima on the horizon, the energy of our guru parampara is at the forefront of the inner mind. During the chitra nakshatra, monks and devotees joined in Kadavul Temple to honor Gurudeva Sivaya Subramuniyaswami with a padapuja.

"We may say that love is the heart of the mind. Anything that comes before you in life can be conquered through universal love, a force which is a demonstration of the soul." - Gurudeva

Color’s Magic – Part 1

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami gives his weekly upadesha in Kadavul Temple at Kauai's Hindu Monastery in Hawaii. It is part of a series of talks elaborating on the inspired teachings of Sivaya Subramuniyaswami as found in his book Merging With Siva. Here, Satguru discusses "Color's Magic," based on a series of talks given in 1960.

On Pilgrimage

Devi Ravindraraj and daughter Bhumi from Texas were back on pilgrimage for around a week. They attended the temple a lot and enjoyed quiet sadhana, met with the monks to discuss their use of our mobile apps, plus gifted some digital art tablets for the monastery's use. They have participated in Satguru's past visits to the Dallas area.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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