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Tirukural – Chapter 101

Chapter 101: Wealth That Benefits No One

Verse 1009
A man has chosen a lonely life so that he might acquire a great storehouse of wealth. This he has done, but now he must protect his treasure, and so he locks himself in a vault. He is alone, without close friends or family. Despite his efforts, two thieves are walking away with his belongings.

TAKA Presents the Tirukural

You can access the entire text, in Tamil and English here:
Weaver’s Wisdom

Verse 1001

He who has amassed great wealth but does not enjoy it
is reckoned as dead, like his unused heap.

Verse 1002

Believing wealth is everything, yet giving away nothing,
the miser himself will be possessed by a miserable birth.

Verse 1003

The mere sight of men who lust after wealth,
caring nothing for renown, is a burden to the Earth.

Verse 1004

What could a man, unloved by even a single soul,
imagine he might leave to posterity?

Verse 1005

Amid millions heaped high, a man remains poor
if he neither gives away his wealth nor enjoys it himself.

Verse 1006

Vast wealth can be a wretched curse to one who
neither gladdens himself in its worth nor gives to the worthy.

Verse 1007

The wealth of a greedy man who gives nothing to the needy
is like the beauty of a maiden growing old unwed.

Verse 1008

The wealth of a man whom no heart loves
is like fruits on a poisonous tree in the heart of a village.

Verse 1009

He who casts out love and dharma and chooses self-denial
so wealth can pile high will see it seized by strangers.

Verse 1010

The short-lived poverty of a benevolent rich man
is like the temporary dryness of a bountiful rain cloud.

Sadhu Paksha Comes to an End

Aloha, as many of you know, Sadhu Paksha is a time when the mathavasis change their usual morning routine and instead enjoy their sadhana unstructured, walking and meditating among nature. This change of routine provides an opportunity for a change in perspective. Shifting perspectives is a wonderful thing and an invaluable tool when solving complex problems or any time you feel stuck. We hope you enjoy these photos taken by the monks, that offer a unique perspective of the monastery. Aum Aum Aum!

Twin Teak Elephants from Thailand

Back in 1972 Gurudeva was leading an Innersearch to India that stopped over in Thailand. While walking through Bangkok, he and a few of us were exploring a shop specializing in carved wood items. There, near the entry, stood two marvelous teak elephants, about 40" tall. They were carved from a single tree. If you know teak, you know it is slow growing and seldom reaches such a size, since it is so valuable they are harvested early in their life. Gurudeva loved this pair. One of the Innersearchers heard him admiring it, and offered to get them as a gift for the new aadheenam on Kauai. They arrived a year later and for many years have stood as sentinels in the brick-floored courtyard where the monks have lunch each day. The years passed along with their pristine look. Recently our young Taskforcer Arunesh was inspired to clean and refurbish them with a concoction of bees wax and orange oil. Like magic, the wood turned radiant, like the day Gurudeva first saw them. Thank you, Arunesh...

Gurudeva Quote of the Day Calendar

For decades it has been one of the most popular little books from Himalayan Academy. It is "an eternal calendar," meaning it is designed in such a way that it never becomes obsolete. It's good from year to year. This is a new edition, inspired by devotees in Tucson, Arizona. They wanted the calendar to be available to all members, and to have Bodhinatha quotes included. So we added Bodhinatha photos and quotes, and also Yogaswami quotes. It's a rich collection of lofty thoughts and insights, with 365 quotes in all, and 52 photos, one for each week. The dedication notes it was produced especially for Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami's 80th Jayanti, October 15, 2022.

New Garden in Mauritius

Today we received two photos of a small desert garden under construction at our Spiritual Park in Mauritius. The energetic landscaping team of Sivathondaars there are paying homage to the 60-foot-wide Shadkonam (six pointed star) arid garden on Kauai. Theirs will be a miniature version, just 10 feet wide or so. The slideshow compares the two.

Tirukural – Chapter 100

Chapter 100: Possession of Courtesy

Verse 999
It's a lovely day and one man enjoys the sky, the mountains and a nearby temple. Nature’s beauties bring a smile to his face and a joy in his heart. Another man has blindfolded himself with discontent, and his day is anything but bright. He cannot smile, and his world is nothing but darkness.

TAKA Presents the Tirukural

You can access the entire text, in Tamil and English here:
Weaver's Wisdom

Verse 991

They say if a man is easily accessible to everyone,
the virtue of courtesy will be easily accessible to him.

Verse 992

Loving kindness and birth in a good family--
these two are said to confer on one a gracious manner.

Verse 993

Resemblance among humans is not that their bodies look alike.
Real similarities come from similar traits of courtesy.

Verse 994

The world commends the civility of those
who combine fruitful effort and kindly benevolence.

Verse 995

Disparaging words are painful even when uttered in jest.
Hence, knowers of human nature are courteous even to enemies.

Verse 996

The world exists because civilized men exist.
Without them, it would collapse into mere dust.

Verse 997

Though their minds are as sharp as a wood rasp,
men without human decency are as wooden as a tree.

Verse 998

It is disgraceful to be discourteous towards others,
even to unfriendly fellows who treat you unjustly.

Verse 999

To those who cannot smile in joy, this wide world
lies engulfed in darkness, even in broad daylight.

Verse 1000

Great wealth amassed by men who lack sweet courtesy
is like good milk turned sour in an unclean vessel.

Pillaiyar Kulam Building Expansion Update

The Pillaiyar Kulam is adding to their existing building at our front entrance so they can store most of our printed publications, as they are shutting down the expensive storage space on the mainland US. The new area is taking shape more quickly now, with extra workers on the job. Here are some images of the progress.

Monastery Website Down Today!

Earlier today a shark took a bite out of one of the cables connecting Hawaii to the rest of the world taking out all of our web servers... Not really, but that's a much more interesting story. The real story involves human error, the computer terminal, and a lot of convoluted code. Anyways, everything looks like it is working as of now, the only casualties were a few taka post published before the server backup happened.    As consolation, please accept this picture of our cat Kavi. Aum Namah Sivaya

Introducing Sivanadiyar Akash

Yesterday, during the Chitra nakshatra, Brahmachari Akash entered the Guru Pitam to sit with Satguru and the monks and to take his pledge as a supplicant.

This important ceremony signifies the stage where the young pre-monastic has made a firm decision to follow the monastic path. He is now in a state of "supplication" begging the monastic order to take him into their midst and to become a postulant, or full Sadhaka.

"The supplicant's foremost objective is to strive for mastery of the charya marga, or path of service. This begins with the avoidance of wrongful actions and the overcoming of base instincts and emotions as he learns to transmute worldliness into the higher states of devotion and selflessness. At this stage on the path, the Saivite devotee is content not to strive for profound spiritual attainments but to work diligently with the faults and flaws that are stumbling blocks on the path, learning at the same time to depend not only on his own resources but on the limitless abilities of the Gods to resolve all difficulties and dissolve all obstacles. In "The Final Conclusions for All Mankind," Gurudeva has said, "In the stage of charya, similar to karma yoga, the devotee naturally awakens a desire to work for the sake of work, to serve for the sake of service. He does this in his daily life and through helping in the temple in practical ways--through sweeping the marble floors, polishing the brass oil lamps, weaving fragrant garlands for the pujas, helping other devotees in their lives and in general through a humble and unseen kind of service." The Supplicancy is a time of profound worship of Lord Ganesha, Lord Murugan and Lord Siva and of deepening commitment and service to Saivite Hinduism and to the Church. It is also a time of study, challenge and inner change. The supplicant is encouraged to strive for the perfection of service and for the monastic ideals of humility, industry and responsibility, renouncing personal needs for the benefit of others. In this service, he should strive for transparency, that quality of anonymous virtue in which the premonastic lives in full harmony with others, remaining centered within and not standing out or disturbing the surroundings. It is this ancient tradition of unseen service and unperturbable stability that the supplicant seeks to emulate, realizing that serving in unheralded ways and renouncing the fruits of even good deeds averts the pitfalls of the spiritual ego and nurtures the state of unpretentiousness. By putting great energy into premonastic life and by serving tirelessly for the benefit not of himself but of others, the supplicant opens himself to the inflow of Lord Siva's grace."

Tirukural – Chapter 99

Chapter 99: Perfect Goodness

Verse 989
A massive storm has struck the seashore causing waves and winds that have destroyed a man's home. Even amid this tragedy and loss, he stands firmly on the ground, his legs apart as he faces the storm with profound courage and stoic acceptance.

TAKA Presents the Tirukural

You can access the entire text, in Tamil and English here:
Weaver's Wisdom

Verse 981

It is said that all good things are natural to those
who know their duty and walk the path of perfect goodness.

Verse 982

Perfect men hold as good their own good character.
They count no other goodness so genuinely good.

Verse 983

Love, modesty, propriety, a kindly eye and truthfulness--
these are the five pillars on which perfect goodness rests.

Verse 984

Penance is the goodness that refrains utterly from killing.
Perfection is the goodness that refuses to utter others' faults.

Verse 985

Humility is the strength of the strong
and the instrument the wise use to reform their foes.

Verse 986

The touchstone of perfect character is
accepting with dignity defeat from one's inferiors.

Verse 987

Of what gain is perfect goodness if it does not do good to all,
even to those who have done painful things to others?

Verse 988

Deprived of all else, one remains undisgraced
if still endowed with strength of character.

Verse 989

Destiny's last days may surge with oceanic change,
yet perfectly good men remain, like the shore, unchanged.

Verse 990

Should the perfect virtue of perfect men ever diminish,
this mighty Earth would bear our burdensome weight no more.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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