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Yagasala Construction for Kadavul Nandi Mandapam Puja

We are getting ready to attach granite ornamentation to the base of the Kadavul Nandi and adjacent flagpole. In order to do this work, the shakti needs to be removed and stored temporarily in kumbhas through a special homa/puja. The Agamas prescribe a yagasala structure to contain the shakti until the work is done and we are ready to reactivate the area. Priests are being flown in to perform the pujas on Sept 11 and 12. Here are some photos of progress in the yagasala construction by the Siddhidata Kulam in our Banyan Mandapam. The kumbhas will be stored in the central platform. In the last photo they are preparing to paint red stripes.

Tirukural – Chapter 104

Chapter 104: Farming

Verse 1032
Here a strong farmer holds his plow as his cows help him till the ground. He is growing crops that feed his village. Such farmers support the entire the world so that others do not have to work so hard.

TAKA Presents the Tirukural

You can access the entire text, in Tamil and English here:
Weaver's Wisdom

Verse 1031

Wherever it may wander, the world follows the farmer's plow.
Thus despite all its hardships, farming is the foremost occupation.

Verse 1032

Farmers are the linchpin of the world, for they support all
who take up other work, not having the strength to plow.

Verse 1033

Those who live by the plow live in self-sufficiency.
All others lean on them to simply subsist.

Verse 1034

Those whose fields lie shaded by abundant sheaves of grain
will see many nations overshadowed by their own.

Verse 1035

Those who eat food harvested with their own hands
will never beg and never refuse a beggar's outstretched palm.

Verse 1036

When plowers of the fields stand idly with folded arms,
even desireless ascetics will not last long.

Verse 1037

If soil is dried so that one ounce shrinks to one-quarter ounce,
fruitful yields will not require a single handful of fertilizer.

Verse 1038

It is better to fertilize than to furrow a field. After weeding,
it is more important to watch over a field than even to water it.

Verse 1039

If the lord of the land fails to visit his fields,
they will sulk as surely as a neglected wife.

Verse 1040

Mother Earth laughs when she sees
lazy men crying, "We are so poor."

LA Satsang

It is said in India that nothing makes a Śivabhaktar happier than being with other Śivabhaktars. So it will not surprise that the home of Suresh and Shanthi was aglow with love of Śiva filled with the sweet sounds of the Guru Parampara Vandanam. Tillainathaswami gave an astute tour of the seven dimensions of the mind, the five states, all to enhance a great talk he shared where Gurudeva speaks of the nature of odic and actinic force fields and how to manage them. Paramacharya shared some recent visual drone shots of the Aadheenam and activities there, then offered thoughts on karma, especially the importance on the spiritual path of accepting all things that happen to us as our own creation. He urged everyone to embrace karmas fully, and to not project our problems, our conflicts, our troubles into the outer mind, but to take them within and work them out inside ourselves. He offered that we can't change the world, but as Gurudeva said, the ability to change ourselves lies in the palm of our hand. On the way to the satsang, perhaps not coincidentally, there were two large billboards for some film, saying "The battle is won within." Most engaging were questions from the young ones, brave questions about karma and the soul and the Hindu view on various ethical issues. All enjoyed a South Indian feast afterwards. Stay turned for the further adventures of our swamis on the Very Big Island!

Nine Day Trip Departure

Paramacharya Sadasivanathaswami and Tillainathaswami flew off this morning for the west coast in the US mainland. They plan to spend time with formal and informal devotees at satsangs in California and Oregon, visit the construction site of the Shiva-Murugan Temple's new traditional building in Concord, California, and visit the bronze foundry team in Colorado who cast our Hanuman and shilpi metal statues.

August Chitra Puja 2022

Jai Gurudeva! Our monthly padapuja to Sivaya Subramuniyaswami was performed at Kadavul temple we hope you enjoy the photos we took as well as some curated photos of Gurudeva from our collection. Take a quiet minute to absorb the darshan. "We are all dancing with Śiva, and He with us. Ultimately, we are Śiva dancing." - Gurudeva

Sivathondu at Kauai Aadheenam

When noble souls pilgrimage to the Aadheenam, they pack, along with their great love of God and guru, their lifetime toolbox of skills and knowledge. Often they want to help the Satguru's global mission, and such is the case with Madan Ganesh Velayudham who was here for ten days recently. Of course, his first priority was his sadhanas and spiritual progress. But he also has immense skills in the digital universe, and worked with the Ganapati Kulam, bringing a high-end expertise we seldom have access to. Then, before flying back to his home in Bengaluru, he set forth some plans to enhance the monastery websites, improve and promote our apps, translate Tamil texts and more. Mikka nandri, Madan. And thank you family--Sumathi, Oviaa and Guru Saasta--for letting you venture to the other side of the planet.

Growing Green Gardens

Aum Namah Sivaya!

Recently work has begun on the landscaping immediately surrounding Iraivan Temple's foundation. For the most part this means preparing the ground for the hardy grasses that will surround the temple. In other areas, the landscaping is growing in lush and full. Below we present to you some aerial footage of the plants and streams along Rishi Valley, to the west of the temple.

"God is with us always, even when we are unaware of that holy presence. He is His creation. It is an extension of Himself; and God is never apart from it nor limited by it." - Gurudeva

The Eternal Now – Part 2

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami gives his weekly upadesha in Kadavul Temple at Kauai's Hindu Monastery in Hawaii. It is part of a series of talks elaborating on the inspired teachings of Sivaya Subramuniyaswami as found in his book Merging With Siva. Here, Satguru discusses "The Eternal Now," based on a series of talks given in 1961.

Tirukural – Chapter 103

Chapter 103: Advancing the Community

Verse 1021
We see a man in several scenes as he works industriously through the day. Clearly he is laboring with all of his heart to advance himself, his family and his community. He awakens to worship Lord Ganesha; then bathes, then feeds and milks the cows, then plows his fields. In the late afternoon he kneels to worship before a temple, and finally sleeps deeply, having exerted himself productively all day long.

TAKA Presents the Tirukural

You can access the entire text, in Tamil and English here:
Weaver's Wisdom

Verse 1021

No greater dignity exists than when a man resolutely declares,
"I will never cease in laboring to fulfill my karmas."

Verse 1022

One prolongs his clan by prolonged exertion in
both perseverance and sound understanding.

Verse 1023

When a man vows to advance his community,
God Himself will wrap His robes and lead the way.

Verse 1024

When a man's effort to raise his community high is unremitting,
his work will prosper on its own, even if he makes no plans.

Verse 1025

The world will surround and befriend him
who, without fault, lives to advance his community.

Verse 1026

It is said that true manliness consists in becoming
head and provider of the clan one was born into.

Verse 1027

As on a battlefield the burden falls upon the brave,
in the community weight is carried by the most competent.

Verse 1028

Those seeking to improve their clan await no season,
for delays and undue regard for dignity will destroy it.

Verse 1029

When a man shields his family from every suffering,
doesn't his body become a vessel filled with their afflictions?

Verse 1030

Without good men to hold it up, the family home will fall
the moment misfortune's axe comes down.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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