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Bodhinatha Visits More Temples in Dallas

While in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, Bodhinatha gave his 2012 temple presentation at numerous temples, including the new Hindu Temple of Greater Fort Worth, which meets currently in a room in a strip mall until their new temple is built, and the Karya Siddhi Hanuman Temple in Frisco. The Fort Worth temple committee were our hosts. The Karya Siddhi Hanuman Temple is under the auspices of Sri Ganapati Saccchidananda Swami of Mysore, though it was actually the local Gujarati Samaj that invited Bodhinatha to speak to their group and had arranged for the lecture to take place at the Hanuman temple. There are so many temples and groups in the D/FW area, it's quite amazing!

Also in Dallas is the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir. Bodhinatha is frequently invited to speak at BAPS mandirs worldwide, owing to a sense of brotherhood between our two monastic orders. One of the sadhus of their North America headquarters didn't miss the chance to invite Bodhinatha to speak to their Dallas congregation. Their grihastha men gave us the grand tour of their impressive new 80,000 square foot facility in Irving, right next to the DFW airport. Along with a mandir and satsang hall, there are extensive classrooms, full residences for priests and visiting sadhus, dining facilities and even a full size basketball court, 11 buildings in all, all combined under one roof. They have plans to build a traditional stone mandir in the next few years, like the one the fellowship has in Houston. Bodhinatha was warmly received and enjoyed the visit.

Crimson Circle Visits Kauai Aadheenam

Today we had approximately 72 pilgrims from the Crimson Circle group who joined our regular guests for public tour day. They are a very sweet group of souls who are interested in spiritual awakening. Included in the group were metaphysicians, healers, teachers and counselors coming from all walks of life, a wide variety of spiritual backgrounds. Many from the group today were from European countries.

Their teachings and belief system sounds familiar:

  • You Are God Also and the creator of your own reality and experience
  • You have every tool within you for healing, balance and rejuvenation
  • Every being is exactly where they should be in their journey
  • Everything is always in divine order
  • All is truly well in all of Creation!

As a special addition to our tour, Yogi Jothinatha gave a wonderful introduction to our book "Lemurian Scrolls" which has caught the attention of the group. It was a very inspired introduction to Gurudeva's reading of these akashic scrolls and the message of hope and confidence that these scrolls deliver to the reader.

Kadavul Temple, 39th Anniversary

"Kadavul" is a special name of God Siva in Tamil. It mean "God Beyond and Within". Three years after after Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami acquired his new center on Kauai, and after bringing home a giant six-foot tall murthi of Lord Siva Nataraja from New Delhi, on March 13th, 1973, he performed his own pratishta, establishment of the Deity, asking the monks to place Nataraja on the steps of the entrance to the estate. He sealed up the entry behind the magnificent image of the Dancing Lord of the Universe and instructed the monks to begin worship and hold 3 hour vigils, 8 times a day. This was the founding of Kadavul temple. Since that amazing day, over 113,966 three-hour vigils have been performed by the monks in unbroken continuity with a puja done at the beginning of each one. And tomorrow it will be 113,974.

Kadavul temple is the spiritual anchor of the monastery. Aside from daily vigils, all the monks gather here for worship five days a week for morning arati at 5:30 am followed by a one hour raja yoga meditation. The main daily nitya puja for Lord Siva is done daily at 9am. Each week there a traditional Vedic yagna is performed. Each month features two special ceremonies. One is Chitra Puja during which we honor, worship and invoke our beloved Gurudeva, founder and fountainhead from which all this has flowed to us. When the moon moves into the star of Ardra, on that day each month a magnificent full abhishekam is done for Lord Nataraja. Then, through the year the temple observes Maha Sivaratri, Ganesha Chaturthi, Skanda Shasti, Thai Pusam and Maha Ardra festivals.

This round of daily vigils and pujas, and continuous rites has generated a powerful shakti and sannidhya that permeates, not only the monastery, but some say, the entire island of Kauai and which can be felt anywhere in the world if you tune in.

Kadavul is also considered the home shrine the Parampara. Just a few feet away from the central sanctum is the seat of the Guru Mahasannidham, where now sits Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami, Gurudeva's successor.

From this sacred place, blessings, initiations, teachings and the power for of the mission flows out to devotees and supporters the world over.

Read more at this web page

Wailua Falls After the Storm

Wailua Falls, our most popular tourist spot, after the storm. If you look at the river banks near the end of the clip, the water was perhaps ten feet higher in the last few days! The flow this day was about 4,000 cubic feet per second; earlier it was over 20,000--before the government river measuring gauge broke! httpv://

Our Father Maurice Chikiar Visits the Monastery

Sadhaka Rajanatha's father, Maurice Chikiar is here from Chicago. Here he and his son are meeting with Acharya Arumuganathaswami who shows them the new Hindu History of India book we recently published.

Maurice is a respiratory therapist working at the John H. Stroger Hospital of Cook County, Illinois. If someone is having trouble breathing, Maurice is there to take care of them.

Happy Father - Son reunion!

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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