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Chellappaswami's Mahasamadhi Day

Today we honored sage Chellappaswami with a special arati in the temple this morning. Our minds pondered with gratitude the gift and presence of the great siddha of Jaffna whose legacy continues on today through our parampara. He said: “Oru Pollapum Illai” “One Evil Thing There is Not!”

Kauai Interfaith Roundtable Visits the Aadheena

The Interfaith Roundtable of Kauai leadership and some members of their congregations visited this morning for a temple tour and to get some inspiration from Satguru Bodhinatha.

Bodhinatha shared about how local Island School students and other groups visit us regularly for tours and to learn a bit about Hinduism, and he told about the recent interfaith panel discussion in Texas. Many good questions were then asked by the group, such as understanding the difference between a religious and spiritual leader.

Dasan Mahadevan Receives Vishesha Diksha

Today was an auspicious one. Another soul took a major step on the Saiva Neri in his evolution along the path of San Marga, walking steadily forward towards his divine destiny of merging with Siva.

Dasan Mahadevan received his Vishesha Diksha. This initiation marks his entry onto the Kriya Marga stage of Saiva Siddhanta. He now has the spiritual responsibility to perform daily Siva Puja and joins the family of sishya of Saiva Siddhanta Church who are most deeply committed to sadhana and the service of the mission of the Kailasa Parampara. It is on this foundation of daily worship and unwavering clarity of purpose that the sishya can begins the practice of deeper raja yoga in his spirituallife. Jai to Dasan Mahadevan!

Siva Poem and Our March 2012 Two-Minute News Video

When a Sivabhaktar in India recently received a gifted mala made of Kauai-grown Rudraksha seeds, she was moved to wonder, "Siva, why are you crying those fabled tears?" She wrote a poem we share today: Beads Wet, Beads Sweet "Why do You cry?" I asked Him "Why are there tears in Your eye?" The Lord of lords the Life of our lives the Word in sound the Dance in movement the Everything in nothing the All in all looked at me and in Silence said - "I gave you all everything all of you hold all of me and yet something makes you forget who you are where you come from and, where you are going. You choose to suffer when you could celebrate You choose to resent when you could rejoice You choose to resist when you could accept And then you complain incoherently beg and plead for liberation! Who ties you down? Where are your bonds? Who created the shackles that hold you back? I feel your pain even before you sense it It hurts me so I cry to see my gifts wasted and thrown away! My Third Eye flashes and I see your future misery should you hold to your habits of yore Open your eyes, awake Let your senses do what they were given to do Step away and stand aside, out of your own way Align your will with Mine All will be well, as it always is Let my tears wash away the debris collected from births before Stand fresh and clean in the moment and you will see the smile, the smile in my Other eye!" Aum Namah Sivaya Sivaya Namah Aum! Our March 2012 news video covers events in February 2012, including the festivals of Thai Pusam and Mahasivaratri, progress on Iraivan Temple carving in India, an interfaith event Bodhinatha spoke at in West Texas, and the translation of Lemurian Scrolls into Russian. httpvh://

Clubwallas Visiting From New York

Mr. and Mrs. Clubwalla of New York are long-time devotees and Innersearch participants. They visited us over the past week, as they do periodically. Their sunshine disposition brightens the atmosphere wherever they go. Here, they meet with Shanmuganathaswami and Yogi Jothinatha.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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