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The Guru Chronicles Book Release in Toronto

The Guru Chronicles was officially released in Toronto. The event took place in the Sri Varasiddhi Vinayagar Hindu Temple of Toronto. The temple is owned by Sivasri Vijaykumar Kurukkal. He requested that Bodhinatha come early for the puja. The temple event and the book release here were coordinated by Siva Markandu and his family. They also took care of the book sale and literature distribution. Thiru Sivayogapathy did the promotional work and our main coordinator for our visit to Toronto as always is Thiru Satkunendran.

Bodhinatha and Yoginathaswami Go to Toronto

Bodhinatha departed for Canada today with Yoginathaswami. They will be holding a book launching of the Guru Chronicles there and meeting with devotees.


Temperatures are between 20 and 40 degree F... something that Yoginathaswami has not experience "in depth" but he is prepared with a warm heavy vest.

Have a great trip Bodhinatha!

Meanwhile... Bodhinatha writes today from Toronto that the arrived safe and sound with a half day off to adjust and event begin tomorrow.


Visits from All Over The World

Many blessings and spontaneous meetings were there for the lucky guests who wandered into our Mini Mela Library after our public tour. With Bodhinatha's constant travel schedule "catching the Guru" is not easy, even if you travel a great distance to Kauai Aadheenam.

One of the big surprises on the tour this week was the blooming of the Emperor of Prussia. This high climbing vine creates a brilliant canopy in the trees (difficult to capture with our camera).

Hinduism Today April Issue Released in Cyberspace

For those who have not heard yet, a few days ago the April issue of Hinduism Today was released. See:

As always, the Global Dharma pages have some interesting small stories from around the world.

The world continues to "wake up" to the huge legacy that Hinduism left throughout Southeast Asia. Here is a little known story from Vietnam:


UNESCO Protects My Son

In 1999 unesco designated the My Son sanctuary in Vietnam a World Heritage site. This is good news for Hindus, who can now rest assured that this treasure will be preserved. The site represents an ancient settlement and sanctuary area; eight groups of tower temples have been singled out. All are constructed in fired brick with stone pillars.

The Hindu architecture of Cambodia and Indonesia are well known, but not many know that a Hindu kingdom also reigned along the Vietnamese coast from the 4th to the 13th centuries. My Son, a small valley flanked by mountains, was the capital and religious center of the Champa Kingdom, which originated in 192 ce and was deeply influenced by the Saiva Agama tradition. Between the sixth and tenth centuries, fine temples were built for Krishna and Vishnu, but above all for Siva. Champa was eventually absorbed by the growing power of Vietnam to the North. Read more at:

Darshan with Bodhinatha

This is Dharma Senathiraja (center) with her brother and mother on left and daughter Yaamini on right. They are visiting from Toronto for the first time.


Kumar Sinnadurai family (wife not in photo) is visiting Kauai for the first time from Edmonton, Canada. His parents recently visited with our sishyas Jai and Ganga Murugan. Kumar and his wife were the first marriage to be solemnized at the Mahaganapati Temple in Edmonton. Kumar recalls our late Gurudeva visiting his home when he was only age 16.

Twitter Updates for 2012-03-25

  • Today in the monastery kitchen, our renovation progress is happening, as the Hawaiians say, "slow by slow." #
  • Read Bodhinatha's editorial "Behold the Sacred Lotus Flower" from the latest edition of Hinduism Today, in 7 languages! #
  • Check out today's Master Course lesson in Russian! Сатсанг: Йога Знания @ #
  • In our garden today, a wile seedpod of the rare White Torch Ginger. Looks like it's from an alien planet, no? #
  • The tutorial was in the Media Studio, complete with online screen navigation. Lots to learn to stay current. #
  • All the monks just met end of day for a tutorial on Google Calendar and Docs. Great adult learning moment! #

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Monks Training Session

The whole monastery gathered yesterday afternoon as Sannyasin Senthilnathaswami gave everyone a tour of our Google Apps web space.

Our goal was to educate everyone today in the use of Google Calendar and Google docs which will help everyone in the coordination of our Sivathondu in serving the mission.

It was very useful and also great fun as the monks do no often gather as a one group like this.

Devi and Skanda Visit Our Woodshop, Harvest Chocolate and Plant a Tree

Devi and Skanda were taken on a tour of the shop by Acharya Kumarnathaswami and given two Formosa Koa bowls he made from wood grown on our own land. Then they found some chocolate trees and fruits in the forest and finally planted a native species Hawaiian sandalwood tree together with their brother.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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