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Monks attend Kauai "Sustainable Agriculture Skill Panel Forum

On May 11, Arumuganathaswami, Shanmuganathaswami and task forcer Gajanan attended the Sustainable Agriculture Skill Panel Forum being sponsored by various government agencies including the University of Hawaii and the Department of Agriculture. One objective was to identify necessary skills needed to advance agriculture on the island that are presently lacking and to make concrete proposals as to how to get people trained in those skills. It was an enjoyable and thoughtful day.

Fresh Noni Juice for the Monks

On our Siddhidata day, Arumuganathaswami, Natyam Satyanatha processed about 130 pounds of freshly picked and ripened noni in this old-fashioned cider press. Yield was 9 gallons, which is good. The fresh juice has to be kept refrigerated; it is tastier than the fermented type.

Filling a jar. Noni juice is a wonderful tonic and a good support for your immune system.

Bird Nest in the Workshop

A pair of birds have made their nest on a shelf compartment in our workshop area. We’d seen them coming and going, one blue and one brown, and today found on sitting in the nest. A few minutes later she (he?) was gone and three little chicks were begging us for food.

They must feel totally at home with the monks knowing that no harm will befall them. Why else would they nest here where there is often a huge amount of noise, banging on metal, welding and testing of machines

Sundaralingam and Sheela Premaraj Meet Bodhinatha

Sundaralingam and Sheela Premaraj, originally from Jaffna, Sri Lanka and now settled in Nebraska, USA, made their first visit to our monastery and temple. Thrilled to be here. They hope to visit Jaffna soon and offer their orthodontic expertise.

Worshipping at the San Marga Swahyambhu lingam

Pilgrims from Utah and Chennai

This group of brother and sister and their families are also thrilled to make their first visit. The brother and his family are settled in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, and his sister and her family are visiting from Chennai, India.

Tour Day, May 9th


Each one of these bright smiling faces now knows a little of the magic of Kauai Aadheenam—how the monks live and work; their titanic dedication to a spiritual way of life and Gurudeva's vision of the San Marga Temple and Sanctuary. They now know a little about how our Satgurus and dedicated Swamis, Yogis, and Sadhakas are bringing forth a wonder of the modern world, overcoming countless challenges to sustain the Hindu path on earth for many future generations to come.

The journey is through a tropical garden of unimaginable color to many who come from arid or prairie states. We took a moment walking back to catch just 10 feet of the path with our camera. These are among hundreds of anthuriums that are here, there and everywhere on the monastery grounds.

Guru Chronicles Photo Gallery

Just a few days back we received from Australia a personal account of the Tamil man who as a boy of 18 or so took two of the rare photos we have of Satguru Yogaswami. We share his tale with you today, along with the photos. These too have a story. When the editing team had virtually completed the book last summer, they realized, "Hmm, looking at all of S. Rajam's paintings a reader could wrongly conclude that these men and their stories are fables, storybook stuff." So, to show the real places and persons, a 32-page photo gallery was added. In that gallery are the two photos referred to in today's story.

This title page for the photo section of the book shows Gurudeva with his shishya in Moscow in 1972 and Yogaswami's shishya's carrying his body to the funeral pyre in 1964. Here is the story:

My Story of the First Pictures By Mr. Samy Pasupathi, Australia

There were no pictures of Swami. The devotees understood that he did not wish it be taken. It was said that when attempts are made to take a picture of Swami, mysteriously he would not appear in the picture. When my father, Dr. V T Pasupati was the the Physician and OlC of the Hospital in Chilaw in 1950, we were graced by Swami's visit to my parents' residence. Swami stayed for a few days. My mother, Kamalambikai, a deeply religious lady, told me that we were blessed that we were able to be in his presence.

However all of Swami's disciples would wish very much that they should have a picture of Swami for their prayers. Would I take a picture early next morning when Swami is meditating? If Swami got angry she would take full responsibility. The next morning about 5.30 or 6 am Swami was in meditation at the furthest corner of the lounge. I was not to enter that room, but was to take a picture from the adjoining room.

At breakfast Swami enquired whether anyone had come when he was meditating. My mother kept silent. Later that moming when Swami was seated in a chair out on the verandah, my mother said 'Swami, we made a big mistake' instance. Swami who had known my mother from her infancy, the daughter of one of Swami's early disciples, Physician Kasthuri Muthukumaru, said, What mistake can you make?' meaning that she wouldn't make a mistake. Of course Swami would have known that this picture was being taken.

My mother still feeling guilty said, ‘We took a photograph without your permission.' Swami was silent and then to our relief, he laughed aloud and said ‘many have tried to take; you have taken' We were relieved. I was emboldened and then asked, 'May I take one more.' Swami responded, 'One is enough'. A little while later he said, 'You took one, and take one more' That is the picture of Swami seated in a chair.

These two pictures, the first of Swami in meditation and the other of Swami seated in a chair are perhaps the only two pictures of Swami when He was physically well and are now freely available everywhere.

Ganesha Chaturthi

Each month there is one day that is extra special for Lord Ganapati, and the monks decorate Him elaborately. This takes a couple of hours. So, when all the monks came to Kadavul Temple for the 5:30am arati, he greeted us with this adorable visage. It was good timing, since it was also Tour Day, so about 110 visitors got to enjoy this alankara today.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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