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May 2012 News Video Update

Our May 2012 news video covers events in April 2012, including: the Hindu Mandir Priests’ Conference, Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami’s talk at the Sri Venkateswara Temple in Pittsburgh, the visit to the monastery by the Kapaa Middle School sixth grade class and the arrival of our new calf, Leili.

Sivanathans and Thuraisingams on Pilgrimage


Raj Sivanathan and Thuraisingam family are visiting again from Arizona and Sydney, their third or fourth visit. From Jaffna, Sri Lanka originally, they love being here to enjoy the beauty and tranquility. Kethies (second from left in photo) was working in the hospital where Satguru Yogaswami stayed after fracturing his hip around 1960.


They paid a visit to the vegetable garden and fruit orchard

New Children's Book in Production


The Ganapati Kulam gave their report today. One important item was the news that the latest children’s book is off to the press! Modern stories for Hindu Youth! Book One: Growing Up Hindu


Another New Upadesha Online

For Satguru speaks fans you will be happy to know we have been putting in some over time to catch up all of Bodhinatha’s past talks to make sure the whole world get benefit from his upadeshas. So keep and eye out as we will be adding a new talk to the right side bar daily. thanks to Hitesvara Saravan for pushing through the transcriptions!

You can also jump right to this main index page to read or listen to the latest talks and check if you have missed any.

New Phase Began Today

We began a new phase to day with homa as usual. Bodhinatha gave a short but very practical upadesha on the principle of focusing on the spine as a key for keeping awareness centered on the spiritual dimension and not getting too externalized

Mihir and Tanvi Meghani Visit Kauai

Mihir Meghani has been reading Hinduism Today, since he was a teen in 1994. He since completed his medical training, is working as a doctor in Oakland and recently married Tanvi. He came to visit with his wife and and brother-in-law, Parth.

An avowed dedicated Hindu activist, Mihir is one of the founding members of the Hindu American Foundation which has become a leading voice for Hindu rights in Washington.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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