To attend worship at Kadavul Hindu Temple make a reservation here

Day 3 Santa Cruz Retreat and Golden Gate Mission Satsang

Santa Cruz retreat day 2

Bodhinatha's California Retreat, Day 1

Bodhinatha's first day at the Santa Cruz retreat. It is quite and intensive program. Over the course of two and a half days, Bodhinatha will give 8 sessions:

#1 -- The Focus of Hinduism: what exactly are we striving to accomplish
#2 -- Integrating Spiritual Advancement into Work: an A,B,C,D,E approach
#3 -- Character Building: fifty-two character qualities and how to strengthen them
#4 -- Shum Study: understanding and experiencing awareness; thinking about versus actually experiencing. keeping it in the present.
#5 -- Prana: understanding it and learning to direct it through the physical body.
#6 -- Affectionate Detachment: what is it and how can negative attachments be released.
#7 -- An Exercise in Spiritual Identity: Soul Controls Instincts, Intellect and Ego
#8 -- The Guru Chronicles: Stories and teachings

Yoginathaswami is also giving two presentations on the significance of Siva puja

Vaikasi Vishakam Muruga Puja at Kauai Aadheenam

We had a powerful Vaikasi Vishakam Muruga puja today early this morning in Kadavul temple. Lord Muruga's beauteous presence and powerful shakti blessed us all. Senthilnathaswami is the lead pujari today with Sadhaka Nandinatha assisting inside the shrine and a team of 5 more monks working behind the scenes to support the puja.

This slideshow has large image versions, so be sure to click the full screen icon for some awesome images.

Bodhinatha at the Maha Ganapati Temple of Arizona

The temple is celebrating its Maha Kumbhabhishekam and invited Bodhinatha. Everyone was extremely happy and grateful he was there. This was expressed many, many times over the two days of pujas.

In addition to the two residend priests others were from Canada, San Diego, New Orleans, Maryland and Washington, DC. They and their many assistant acharyas worked extremely well together and the two days Bodhinatha was there, everything went smoothly.

In third from last photo below, with Bodhinatha in the Ganesha shrine, the priest on the right in red had met Bodhinatha before. The first time was in Rose Hill, Mauritius, then again in Baltimore. Small world for sure.

Walkway Upgrade to Media Studio Completed


Jonathan Anderson completed another run of tile on Kauai Aadheenam's walk ways. Here, in front of the Media Studio was special because he had to remove the previous concrete, lower the elevation of the ground, pour concrete again and then place the tile. This was done to ensure that any water flowing down the path during heavy rains will never, ever again, go into the building underneath the door. Our Shanti Kitty, inspects the walk "Very, nice, now my feet will be clean... he was making such a mess!"

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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