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Dakshinamurthi Pavilion in Mauritius is Complete


At our Mauritius center, the beautiful huge image of Dakshinamurthi has been given a new roof and tiled area to create a lovely outdoor pavilion.

Parmesh says, “The pavilion tile work is completed and the hand railings already painted. Now the contractor will proceed with the stoned footpath and together with other karma yogis, we will plant some nice border plants around the stoned footpath and ensure that the konrai trees grow around very well to place Dakshinamurthi with the elements of nature.”


Thatch roof

Tomatoes are getting bigger!

Growing tomatoes on Kauai is tricky with all the fruit flies. Our Siddhidata Kulam team has tried many different varieties. Recently we started to get a few very good sized fruits coming on our current plants.

New Phase Begins. Sun One Homa

Palak Malik Visits Singapore Members

Palak, The daughter of our Hinduism Today Delhi correspondent Rajiv Malik, was sent on assignment by her publication in India to Singapore. There the Dohadeva Shanmugam family happily hosted her for a few days. here they are with Dohadeva and Nagavathy.

Palak and Nagavathy

Satsang At Sivaram Home with Bodhinatha

Easan Katir sends us another set of photos of events at the home of Sivaram in California

California Retreat In Images

Another slide series from the Californai Retreat sent by Kanda Alahan. (There are many portrait images. Move your mouse up and down, or click the pop-out icon.

Iraivan Update: High Tech Method for Setting Patterns Onto Stone

The last ornamental work for the beams of the Nandi Mandapam (uttataram) can been seen. We have modified the traditional marking style. Earlier the sthapati would draw each anna pakchai (pigeon like decorative bird). It was a very time consuming job and it will not be very accurate. Now my son, Thurai, using his skills from the Art college draws them on the Apple computer using Illustrator and ensures the width and length is uniform. This is very important because you cannot end up with half of a decorative bird at the end of the beam in the corner. He photo copies duplicates of them and pastes onto the stone in place where they are to be carved by hand.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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