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Mathavasis in Los Angeles

Aum Namah Sivaya

Acharya Arumuganathaswami and Sannyasin Tillainathaswami just concluded a five-day trip to LA. The initial purpose for their visit was to attend a small conference for the Uberoi foundation. The foundation's aim is to help support Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism in the United States through education and scholarly support. Over the years the foundation has funded several of the monastery's educational videos which are intended to supplement the material available to American classrooms for teaching about these traditions. Following the conference, our monks traveled to a Hindu Temple, Buddhist Temple, Sikh Gurudwara and Jain Temple with the eventual goal of creating more educational videos, showcasing temple tours as their basis. There was also the opportunity to have satsang with Southern California members and devotees. Aum.

Vatshalan Episode 2: Big Toys

Jai Ganesha! On last months episode we were introduced to Vatshalan and got too see him in action picking tomatoes in the green house. Todays episode stars Vatshalan again and his various zany adventures with Kauai Adheenam's heavy machinery. Will this city boy survive doing Siddhidata kulam work in Kauai's gruling climate? Watch more to find out!

Tirukural – Chapter 108

Chapter 108: Baseness

Verse 1078
Above, a man has been informed of a community need and requires no further convincing. His generous heart immediately offers handfuls of money to those who have requested his help. Below, another man has been approached by a beggar who had to cajole, threaten, explain and otherwise entertain the man, who even then offers but a single coin, for he does not understand the worthiness of generosity.

TAKA Presents the Tirukural

You can access the entire text, in Tamil and English here:
Weaver's Wisdom

Verse 1071

Outwardly, vile men resemble human beings.
We have never witnessed such a remarkable likeness.

Verse 1072

The low-minded are happier than men who know goodness,
for they are never troubled by the pangs of conscience.

Verse 1073

Wicked rogues resemble the Gods,
for they, too, live doing whatever they want.

Verse 1074

When a vile man meets a wicked one, he will outdo him
in his vices and pride himself on the achievement.

Verse 1075

Fear is the primary force motivating base men.
Besides that, the desire for gain may motivate them--a little.

Verse 1076

Base men are like a bass drum, sounding off
to others every secret they happen to hear.

Verse 1077

Some men are too crude to even shake the water off their just-washed
hands, except for those who could break their jaw with a fist.

Verse 1078

Worthy men yield their gifts when told of a need, but like sugarcane,
base men give only when crushed and squeezed.

Verse 1079

Let a base man behold others dressing and dining well,
and instantly their faults are all that he can see.

Verse 1080

Is there anything for which lowly men are suited? Well,
when crises come, they are the first to offer themselves for sale!

Small, Big and Bigger Pumpkin Growth Cycle

The Siddhidata Kulam reports that on June 9th we planted two Atlantic Pumpkin vines and 2 local pumpkin vines ( Japanese Variety). They were harvested a few days ago. The single Atlantic pumpkin on the cart transport is 120 lbs. This variety is usually grown for size competition in state fairs. The local pumpkin produced 211 lbs from about 33 pumpkins.

September Chitra Puja 2022

September is almost behind us but before that happens enjoy some photos from this month's pada puja to Gurudeva. "You need a tremendous, indomitable will to make a reality of your quest of realizing the Being within." -Gurudeva

New Art from an Indian Master

Suresh Mutthukiulam of Kerala sent this canvas recently, commissioned by us to adorn Bodhinatha's Yoga Sutras to be printed next year. We thought you might like a previews. In this unusual piece, Suresh creatively describes eight siddhis, powers, that a yogi naturally attains (and is encouraged to renounce). There are 25 in Patanjali's text, but these are the famous ones. Read the captions in the slideshow for a deeper immersion into the powers.

Siva’s Golden Eye

One of the creative things happening at the monastery is the golden Rudraksha beads. Our trees are now in full blossom with more flowers than we have ever had since the forest was planted in 1978. Of late, we are experimenting with applying 23-karat gold leaf to the home-grown seeds. They are beautiful, something never done before, so still a bit experimental. They make wonderful gifts, a precious combination of spiritual meaning and sheer beauty. To one of the monks, "These should be in a Gucci shop in Milan. They are that elegant." But, for now, they are only in a humble MiniMela shop on a little island in the Pacific Ocean.

New Gurudeva Photo Display in Kadavul

Happy Chitra Nakshatra! After 22 years, we have replaced the trusty, conventional lightbox that has displayed Gurudeva's photos at his shrine in Kadavul Temple. The technology was old school. Each month a monk stepped up on the shrine, opened the box, pulled out the plexiglass sandwich and inserted a new transparency. The new box houses a high grade digital screen that will rotate through many high quality images every three hours, while drawing a similar amount of power as the old unit. Kumarnathaswami and Kanda Alahan teamed up on the project. It was Kanda and his sons who had built the original version in their California cabinet shop.

Satguru in California

Jai Ganesha!

Recently, Satguru and our two other traveling sannyasins enjoyed some time in California as a final stop on their short mainland trip. While there they visited the Concord Temple construction site in the Bay Area, and also enjoyed a hike in Mount Tamalpais state park. They then made a short drive to visit the home of Easan and Sundari Katir. Next they headed south to LA where they had a group meal with Southern California members. Tomorrow Satguru returns to Kauai. Aum Namah Sivaya

Tirukural – Chapter 107

Chapter 107: Dread of Begging

Verse 1065
A toy maker has labored in the sun all day to produce small wooden toys for the market. He takes a break when his wife brings a simple bowl of sweet rice for his lunch. Though it is not a feast, he finds it enormously enjoyable.

TAKA Presents the Tirukural

You can access the entire text, in Tamil and English here:
Weaver's Wisdom

Verse 1061

It is ten million times better not to beg, even from those
precious men whose joy is giving and who thus never refuse.

Verse 1062

Were it the World-Creator's wish for men to live by begging,
men might wish that He, too, die a wandering beggar.

Verse 1063

There is no greater foolhardiness than to say,
"I shall end the pains of poverty by begging."

Verse 1064

This entire world is too small to contain the dignity of men
who will not stoop to beg, even in the direst destitution.

Verse 1065

Though it is only gruel, thin as water, nothing is more savory
than food that is earned by the labor of one's own hands.

Verse 1066

The tongue finds nothing more distasteful than begging,
even just to beg drinking water for a cow.

Verse 1067

This I beg of all beggars:
"If you must beg, beg not from misers."

Verse 1068

The unsturdy ship called begging will break apart
the moment it crashes against the rock of refusal.

Verse 1069

Thoughts of a beggar's plight melt the heart.
Thoughts of refusals he receives crush it completely.

Verse 1070

Having said "no" to a beggar, knowing it might kill the poor man,
where is a miser going to hide from his word?

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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