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New Fence Finally Going Up

For nearly two years the Siddhidata Kulam has been chipping away at the dense growth along the northwest border of our San Marga property that runs adjacent to the University of Hawaii Agriculture Research station. The fence line that was originally here was completely deteriorated and engulfed by the jungle decades ago. The property line was an open gateway for wild boar and possible vandals. Fortunately, we rarely have human intruders, but for the security of our property we needed to install a proper fence. Also, by law, to enforce a no-trepassing policy, you must have clearly visible property line boundaries. As it was, anyone wondering through that area would have no idea they had entered the San Marga land.

Kokee Berry Flat Trail Hike

Over the retreat several of the monks went for a hike up in Kokee, and, much to everyone's suprise, found a small redwood forest in the middle of Kauai.

Siva is the Life of your Life

Gurudeva gives a talk to his monastics reminding them of the simple truth that God Siva is the life of our lives. He explains how devotees of Lord Siva naturally see God inside everyone. He reminds us of the transformative power that comes from accepting the truth that God is inseparable from our very own soul. httpvh://

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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