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Bodhinatha with Sishya in Mauritius

SSC Mauritius Mission

Click here for report and photos of seminars with Chelas and Dikshasishyas on August 5.

First part of report–

On Sunday 5th after the Ganesha Homa at the Park, initiated sishyas met Satguru Bodhinatha at Ebene Cyber City for classes on meditation. The Chelas arrived at 3.00 PM and were later joined by the diksha sishyas. The first part of the session was on Shum Meditation: ‘ookananashoom’: Experiencing Shum through practice. Bodhinatha explained the Shûm Tyêîf Mamasanî and guided sishyas into practical sessions.

Bodhinatha gives a presentation to children's one day summer camp in Baltimore

Bodhinatha and Shanmuganathaswami visit Dubai

It was our first visit to Dubai, a stop-over on our way back from Mauritius, and we were fortunate to be hosted by Iraivan temple builder Anil Kumar. He graciously invited us to his home in Al Sharad for breakfast, and Bodhinatha signed his set of the Master Course trilogy books and Loving Ganesha. Anil found Loving Ganesha online in 2005 and has been ardently following TAKA and reading the monastery newsletter.

Anil is an electronic engineer and has lived in Dubai with his wife, son and daughter for 15 years. He gave us a first class tour of Dubai in his car, and we visited the famous artificial archipelago, the Palm Islands. Read about these interesting works of constructive artwork here Anil also took us to the Burj Khalifa, currently the tallest tower in the world:

We were able to experience a "mountain-top perspective" from the 124th floor of the Burj Khalifa. It was Ramadan month in Dubai, and the devout Muslims were observing a month long fast which did not allow eating or drinking (even water) during the day until sunset. We were impressed in how they could observe this sadhana in weather that reached 114.8 degrees during our visit. We determined that the Ramadan fast had begun in 2012 on the first tithi after the new moon (prathama) in July. Each year it moves backwards about 11 days. The crescent moon in the window would be the opposite of the crescent moon seen on the first day of Ramadan which would look more like this (but smaller):

Anil took us to two Hindu temples in Dubai, discreetly tucked away near the Dubai museum behind a mosque. Dubai has a large Hindu population, and Anil introduced us to a couple of his friends who we met at our hotel. From left to right, Anil, Mohan, Bodhinatha, Shanmuganathaswami and Arun. Anil posed many questions to Bodhinatha about astrology, eclipses, naga shrines, navagrahas and other mystical themes which Bodhinatha explained about at length. Thank you Anil for making our visit to Dubai an enjoyable and memorable experience.

Bodhinatha and Shanmuganathaswami send some photos of their visit to the Spiritual Park of Mauritius

Chicago satsang

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami met with a small group of Hindus to share activities of Kauai's Hindu Monastery, mainly the publication of Hinduism Today magazine. He also answered their questions about how to bring Hinduism forward successfully in the modern era. He especially addressed the common question of how to engage Hindu youth in the religion. httpvh://

Bodhinatha Transits Through Dubai

Bodhinatha's mission in Mauritius is over and he is flying over the Atlantic to Washington D.C. He and Shanmuganathswami stopped in Dubai on the way through. He writes:

"Landed in Dubai about 4 AM and the temperature was already almost 100 F! Picked up by long time Iraivan donor Anil Kumar, who is from Kerala, who took us to his home for breakfast, followed by a drive about Dubai seeing the major districts. Checked into our hotel late in the morning. 5 PM left again with Anil to go to the top of Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world which is next to the biggest mall in the world which is next to the biggest etc. In other words, Dubai likes to have the biggest of everything."


Bodhinatha with Students in Mauritius

Click here for report and photos of August 4th seminars with Vratasishyas, Arulsishyas and Master Course formal students

"The Seminar conducted by Bodhinatha at the Ebony 2 Conference Room of the Henessy Park Hotel on Saturday 4th August was centered on three main topcs namely,

1. Key Ideas in the Nandi Natha Sutras.
2. Color Meditation
3. Integrating Hindu Practices.
[Read more on the SSC site]

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