To attend worship at Kadavul Hindu Temple make a reservation here

Sri Lanka: Three Wheel Drive. Thank Bodhinatha!

Dear Bodhinatha,

With your generous donation and blessings, we have purchased a small, motorized three-wheel vehicle. Thank you so much.

This year the major logistical challenge we have been facing relates to transportation. As you know, we travel to the villages far and wide, distributing care packages for the most needy people, including pregnant mothers and malnourished children. Also, we distribute seedlings to poor farmers. Because of the nationwide gas shortage, we are having a very hard time hiring vans to do this job. We are able to obtain very limited supplies.

This three-wheel vehicle uses very little gas to run. This will enable us to more efficiently provide services to the people.

Again, Thank you so very much for your blessings and support.

Love, Thondunathan

Satguru’s 80th Jayanti – Photos

Photos from Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswamis 80th Jayanti celebration. The day began with a homa, invoking divine energies into several kumbhas. These blessed water pots were then poured over Satguru in a once-in-80-years guru abhishekam. Following that there was a very short padapuaja and vibhuti blessing for those present. Speaking of presents, Satguru was also given many wonderful gifts by devotees. Next everyone sat to enjoy a Bharatanatyam dance by Priyanka Raghuraman. The day's events concluded with lunch and cake! Our thanks to Rajkumar Manickam for these wonderful images. Jai Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami! Aum Namah Shivaya

Double Rainbow, and Satguru Jayanti Preparation

On October 5th we were blessed with a double rainbow. Days later, preparations are in full swing for Satguru Bodhinatha's Jayanti event. It is elaborate this year, being his 80th birthday, which means a special homa and abhishekam to the Satguru tomorrow. A Sivacharya priest is coming to perform the pujas.

Books Unboxing and Latest Monk Candidate Arrives

We mentioned him briefly in the last post about visiting Waimea Canyon, but here's a bit more. Lucas Brzozowski, age 18, arrived from Massachusetts just days ago to begin a six-month resident visit because he is interested in monastic life. He also briefly stopped by a couple months ago for one morning while he was visiting from Maui island. Here he is helping Shanmuganathaswami and Vatshalan unpack MC trilogy books to store in the new back room of the Pillaiyar Kulam building. This back room is the more affordable replacement for the warehouse space we were renting on the mainland.

Waimea Canyon Outing with Taskforcers

Our current two taskforce residents, Vatshalan and just-arrived Lucas, have never been to Waimea Canyon and Kokee state park on the drier west side of Kauai. We saw mostly-clear weather on the forecast, so took the opportunity the other day. Besides the standard lookout points, we did the somewhat-strenuous Canyon Trail hike that goes up and down, along the edge of a ridge cliff and ends at a beautiful waterfall and pond area.

Kadaitswamis 131st Guru Puja in Jaffna

Today, We celebrated Kadaitswami's 131st Guru Puja in Jaffna. Here with I'm enclosing a few pictures for you to enjoy. Thank you so much for your love and blessings.

Love, Thondunathan

Local private school visits

Aloha all, Recently students from the Kauai Creative Academy of Movement Arts and Academics, a local art school for youth, enjoyed one of their Friday field trips to San Marga, Iraivan Temple and Kadavul Temple. They enjoyed their visit and it was definitely a new experience for many of the kids! Aum Namah Sivaya

Sun 1 Upadesha

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami gives his weekly upadesha in Kadavul Temple. It is part of a series of talks elaborating on the inspired teachings of Sivaya Subramuniyaswami as found in his book Merging With Siva. Here, Satguru discusses "The Eternal Now," based on a series of talks given in 1961. Enjoy! 🙂  

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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