To attend worship at Kadavul Hindu Temple make a reservation here

Magnificent Fourteen-Foot Rosewood Nataraja From Kerala

We recently received a communication from Kerala about an amazing statue of Lord Nataraja Carved entirely out of rosewood. A truly amazing piece. If you would like to purchase this for your temple or cultural organization, contact the BaronIndia Group in Trivandrum

The Statue of Ganapati Sthapati is Complete

In remembrance of Gurudeva's Vision of Iraivan temple, and Ganapthi Sthapati's great contribution, statues of the two, along with several stone carvers are being created. They will be situated on the Iraivan temple grounds. The phenomenal creativity and work that has gone into these statues is astounding, it's a delight to see this one finished.

Digital Dharma Drive Begins December 1st

ddd-2013-nov-anncmt-email-top-banner ddd-2013-nov-anncmt-email-All-Monks-Final

For the last two years we have sustained a remarkable ascent up the sometimes treacherous trails of our digital Himalayas. The monks were urged forward (in good weather and bad) by your unmistakable appreciation of our publications and websites and the generous responses to our Digital Dharma Drive. In 2010 the drive reached $59,600; and in 2011 it raised $64,600. These funds have made an enormous difference in the digital projects that we have undertaken these past 24 months.

During 2011 and 2012, a major focus of our team and the primary application of your contributions has been to redesign, re-engineer and renovate the monastery’s website and reformat publications for today’s multitude of digital devices. Last year we showed you a preview of the new, professional design. This year we have been working to move all our content into the modern, database-driven system and get all the new features up and running—those that will help visitors discover and make use of the resources on the site in easier, more organized, more intuitive ways.

We’re almost finished, and with Bodhinatha’s blessings, we will inaugurate this year’s Digital Dharma Drive on December 1, at the same time we bring the new site online for you all to experience. Following the Wikipedia model (an annual fund effort to provide information and resources for free, without ads), the drive will run for 60 days. We hope you will set aside part of your year-end giving to help the team in Hawaii keep this strategically important momentum going in 2013.

This year (and only this year) we will use the funds somewhat differently. As you may know, between December and May, we will be renovating the Media Studio, the humble facility in which the monks produce all of the books, magazine, art, websites and teachings. We last made major improvements to the space 28 years ago, setting it up as a print shop, with two printing presses, a folder, a phototypesetter, process camera and light tables. In the nineties, we converted the space into a digital publications center using salvaged goods from a defunct hotel sale. It is a quaint space, but weary and worn.

The Ganapati Kulam publications facility is just 100 feet from Kadavul Temple. Aside from being the nexus of the monastery’s world outreach activities, it is a key place for hosting visitors to the monastery. The time has come to bring it into the 21st century. The work will be done by the monks and a task force of volunteers, rather than by costly hired carpenters. We are even using our own lumber, milled from island trees, for the wooden elements. But it will still take a lot of work and money. To allow this improvement to happen, one half of each dollar from this year’s Digital Dharma Drive will go to the Media Studio renovation and one half to innovative web improvements, digital assets, ebooks and other projects. We hope you are inspired by all of this. We are!

Jai Ganesha!

Jai Gurudeva!

Jai Generosity!



Editor, Hinduism Today

Links to Books

ANNOUNCEMENT: Kauai Aadheenam Phone System is Down!

We recently experienced a failure of hardware that the runs our PBX desktop phone system. If you try to reach us on any of the main numbers, (822-####) it will fail. Please inform everyone you know that may be trying to contact us by phone. Use email or any of the individual monks' cell phone numbers.

October 31st Homa New Phase Begins

We start this phase off with a wonderful homa fire

Bodhinatha in Phoenix

Bodhinatha and Muruganathswami arrived safely home during our three-day full moon retreat. Here are a few photos of their time in Arizona.

Welcome to Rishipati and Rishimata Deva and Gayatri Rajan

On October 28th in California, at the Saiva Siddhanta Church Golden Gate Mission satsang at Kulapati Janaka and Kulamata Bhavani's home, a samskara was performed acknowledging Kulapati Deva and Kulamata Gayatri's entrance into the next ashrama of mission life. They will now be known as Rishipati Deva and Rishimata Gayatri.

Many gave moving testimonies of the Rajan's work and contributions to the Church over forty years, and expressed warm good wishes for the many years ahead. Rajkumar spoke from Denver through video chat, and Mrunal and Padmaja Patel spoke through video chat as they were driving through the Texas desert. Is this the new age of communication or what?

Here are a few excerpts:

"Deva and Gayatri are an inspiration and a mentor to me. Their steadfast devotion to the Paramparai and adherence to the Saiva Dharma have encouraged me (and many others) to dive deeper into the Self and toward the discovery of the innermost esoterics of our religion.We have been associated with Deva and Gayatri through many births and they are truly our Brother and Sister. The list of what they have contributed to our community would take me days to compile. I am delighted and honored to have been a part of it all with them and wish them well in this next stage of life."

~ Satya Palani

"We are so happy to learn that Kulapati Deva Rajan and Kulamata Gayatri are moving into the next stage of their life, we welcome them with warm hearts to our extended family. It is our honor that they chose to join us. We will benefit from their years of experience of serving the Guru parampara, their wisdom and knowledge from spending years in the company of our Gurus and monks is something for all of us to strive for. We sincerely thank them for their selfless service to the Parampara in so many different capacities. We look forward to learn lessons of life under their guidance.Welcome, Welcome, Welcome Rishimata and Rishipati! Aum Namah Sivaya
~ Mrunal, Padmaja and Pooja Patel

"On behalf of me, my wife, and my parents personally, and all of the volunteers and staff of the Hindu American foundation we congratulate Deva and Gayatri For all they have done in the past for the community, For their decision to enter the ashrama stage, And for all that they will be doing. As Rishipati and Rishimata, We will look to them for their continued guidance and wisdom."

~ Mihir Meghani

"Both of you are "hands-on" maestros, always with a 'midas touch' as a artist, writer, sculptor, green builder, fly ash promoter, creators of San Marga Sanctuary Development Fund, successful business person, sincere seekers and exemplary disciples of our lineage. You next ashrama will lead householder in the congregation again, on a path we can surely follow. Aunty Gayatri, you are always exercised loving care for people you meet with genuine words. The story of Santoshi Devi inspired many and will continue to bring forth Ganesha's 5th Shakti in devotees lives."
~ Rajkumar Manickam

"Uncle and Auntie, I have had theprivilege of calling you this my entire life. You both have been such an inspiration to me personally as well as to all of thosearoundyou. I have so many fond memories from my youth of spending time with you both, I am lucky to have them. I have learned so many great thingsfrom spending time with you and each time we meet, youalwaysradiate such selfless joy and cosmic love. You have spearheaded so manyprojects for Iraivan, the Monastery, our Golden Gate mission, your owncommunityand so much more, simply for the joy of spreading positiveenergy and this is how you inspire others. I have always felt very close toyou and am thrilled to know that you will be a part of our extendedfamily. Anbe Sivamayam Satyame Parasivam.

~ Kartikeya Katir

"One great memory: off to Peru and the Yucatan joining you, at Gurudevas request,to fulfill his gift to Ganapati Sthapati. Sthapatis lifelong dream had
always been to visit the Inca and the Maya and verify the Vaastuscriptures stated relationships with these ancient cultures in theAmericas. Interesting discovery, too, that Lord Ganesha came toAmerica long ago! Enjoy the inner and outer becoming one."

~ Thamby Kumaran

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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