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A Satsang with Sadasivanathaswami

Today Paramacharya gave a delightful discourse for pilgirms

Welcome Kumar Gurukkal

Formerly a priest at Murugan Temple in Lanham, Maryland, Kumar Gurukkal is now head priest at Hindu Temple of Greater Tulsa, Oklahoma. He has come to lend his expertise and skill to help us honor Gurudeva.

2012 Gurudeva Mahasamadhi Day 2

This morning began with chanting, singing, arati, and a silent meditation in Gurudeva's presence.

Remembering Gurudeva And His Gifts to Us

Prostration and Vanakam Swami,

Here as some slides we prepared for Mahasamadhi in remembrance of Gurudeva. Thinking of our beloved Satguru.

I could vividly recall the wonderful words His Holiness said to me, "I am in You and You are in Me" back in 2001 when I visited Aadheenam. I has profound impact on me that set my whole life direction towards self-discovery and showed me a wonderful path & religion, Saiva Siddhanta.

Jai Satguru!

Aum Sivaya

Ravichandran Ceyon

A Satsang with Shanmuganathaswami

This afternoon, shanmuganathaswami gave several classes for pilgrims. The first was an explaination of the Panchangam Calender and the second was on writing the tyeif script. He then taught a color meditation and a meditation on prana.

Recent visitors and public tour guests

The blessings of Bodhinatha's presence in the Mini Mela after the public tour gives everyone an opportunity to thank Him, offer books for signing and even pose a question or two. It is always a rare privilege to watch how Bodhinatha seems to "read" the guest and give them just what they came for. The magic that surrounds the Guru is always there in a subtle way but on occasion not so subtle.

A beginning health practitioner sat before Bodhinatha recently and appeared a little depressed. He confessed that while he loves his new field he can't seem to avoid "taking on" the feelings and moods of his clients and feels quite burdened once the treatments are over at the end of the day. Bodhinatha asked us to go get "Merging With Siva" off the bookshelf and we brought the pocket book edition. After a few long minutes of searching he told us - "go get the big one, it is not in this edition".

We then handed Bodhinatha the hard back full edition and he opened the 924 page book to where the silk book mark lay gracefully along the page. You might have guessed it - that was the page - and there was Gurudeva's lesson on how to build a strong force field when working with others!

A Satsang Bodhinatha with Bodhinatha

This Morning Bodhinatha held a satsang for pilgims and gave a wonderful presentaion outlining the practical application of Hinduism in our everyday lives. He gave wisdom and advice ranging many issues, including how on the path, rather then withdrawing from the world we should put more energy into it.

Today's Homa begins Gurudeva's 11th Mahasamadhi Celebration

Jai to our beloved Gurudeva!

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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