To attend worship at Kadavul Hindu Temple make a reservation here

Recent Pilgrims from Singapore

Sisters Suselah and Sakuntalai Periasamy and about 14 relatives visited Hawaii on holiday from Singapore. It was first visit to Kauai for most of the relatives, and
they thoroughly enjoyed the Kauai Aadheenam grounds

Visit by Vamadeva Shastri and Students

A wonderful visit by 16 special souls took place last phase, hosted by Yogi Jothinatha and Vel Alahan. The group toured Iraivan Temple and grounds and spent nearly an hour with Sadasivanathaswami in the Banyan Mandapam soaring through a dozen profound topics.

Great Hindu Temples

This year the Silpi Paramparai, our traditional temple builders, received Hinduism Today's Hindu of the Year Award, so honored for the remarkable work they do and the impact of their creations on our faith. In this slideshow we recall centuries of work they have done, without acknowledgement, without their name being on their masterpieces. Enjoy these thirty-plus images of renowned and sacred citadels, the homes of God.

Ayudha Puja at the Iraivan Temple Carving Site

November Ayudhya Puja at the Iraivan Temple Carving Site

Ayudha Puja is an important event for all stone works. We have special prayers for the tools, machinery and vehicles. It is also a joyous day for all the silpis because they receive their dakshina (bonus) and a set of new clothing as gifts. Here is a cut stone for the perimeter wall. All markings have been done and are ready to start the new phase. Traditionally, the first stone for a new project is blessed on this day.

Many Great Responses to the New Website

Just back from my first visit to the New website and I am surfing on giant waves of joy and gratitude. So much thought and care and inspiration on each page, each word, each letter ... WOW!!!

How blessed are we to be alive at this time in eternity when such precious gifts are placed right at our fingertips! How blessed are we to be alive at this place, in virtual space, where pictures, movies, talks and songs are just one click away!

So rich in content, so elegant in design, so simple in presentation and yet, gently holds aloft that secret of secrets for him to reach who does sincerely seek it!

Unimaginable is the extent of care, immeasurable the depth of patience, uncountable the minutes of labor, limitless focus and persistence, Role models are you, in all that you do!
How blessed are we, to have our lives touched so by you!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Infinite love and eternal gratitude

Aum Namah Sivaya!

Pancha Ganapati Spreading Around The Globe in Tamil

Pancha Ganapati is surrounding the globe today via FaceBook, in Tamil.

Renovation Team Hard At Work

The renovation of the Ganapati Kulam media lab is moving forward rapidly with the big team of sevaks who have come to join us on task force. Adi Srikantha has been with us for several months now. He was recently joined by Shailesh Trivedi from Southern California. Next Vayudeva and Nigel Sivam flew in from Maryland; Jnanideva from Edmonton, Canada and Deva Rajan arrived a few days ago from California. Helping on the island is Durvasa Alahan.

This morning at our Ganapati Kulam meeting we had a team of 12 including the monks! The first phase, demolition has been moving forward much faster than we anticipated and we are already ahead of schedule!

Moving Ganapati Kulam's Old Trailer

Arumuganathaswami is working hard to create a trailer hitch for the kulam's old trailer that is getting moved, as the renovated Media studio will no longer need it. The new entrance to the building will be where it is currently attached to.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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