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Kauai Rock Quarry

Today we went to the Kauai Quarry to query the querulous quarrymaster about some quintessentially quiescent boulders for our sacred gardens. We were there with Martin Mosco and his wife, Alxe (pronounced Alex).

A wonderful session ensued, during which we clambered over hundreds of giant boulders to pick a mere four for the Iraivan Siva Garden that Martin is designing. Deva Rajan and Durvasa Alahan joined for the adventure.

Martin is on island for 12 days to make a scale model of a portion of the garden right around the temple. Alxe is a filmmaker (among other talents) and plans to document the entire project which will durate (should be a word) from now to August. Stay tuned for progress on this creative project, all thanks to the vision and support of Jim Levin and Natalie Cederquist of Tucson, Arizona.

Planting Trees at Himalayan Acres

Recently some of the monks and task forcers worked to plant over 300 hardwood trees. These are all mahogany and were more than ready to go in the ground. It was a beautiful day full of sun and periodic Kauai showers, making for plenty of rainbows.

The Guru Chronicles

Today we received a sweet endorsement of The Guru Chronicles which we thought all would enjoy.

Thank you all for the wonderfully written Guru Chronicles. I confess, I started by reading the last chapters first! The photographs were a delight. I feel so privileged to have known and studied with such a special Being of Light. Reading about the early years of Gurudeva's work in America was so enlightening.
I met Gurudeva in 1972. I now realize that the foundation he was building went far deeper than I realized at the time. How fortunate I feel to have been in the right place at the right time-to meet him in Hawaii and be a small part of the unfolding of his mission.
The stories about the line of gurus were familiar to me, as we had studied them in the form of "Soldiers Within" (I think it was called) in the 80s. The way they are presented in the Guru Chronicles brings them to life. As I was reading, I felt transported back to those magical times.
I am awed by the writing, art, photos and loving attention to details in the Guru Chronicles. I appreciate the many hours (years) of research and effort that went into producing this wonderful book. 

To all the monks, thank you, again.  

Savitri Kumaran
 Kapaa, Hawaii
January 2013

A Visit from Kauai's County Prosecutor

We had the newly elected Kauai County Prosecutor, Justin Kollar come to visit the monastery today.
From left: Sierra Kollar, Justin Kollar, Cindy and Bobby Ayonon. Cindy and Bobby are long time friends of the monastery. Bobby has long been the one to take care of all of our air conditioner and refrigerator repairs.

Pancha Ganapati In Malaysia

More photos of Malaysia Pancha Ganapati group celebration

Click here for day 3--

Click here for day 4--

Click here for day 5--

Construction Work Moving Ahead at the Aadheenam

The Ganapati Kulam Media Studio renovation is in full swing now and simultaneously the long-planned installation of solar panels is also gearing up.

January 5th Chitra Puja and Gurudeva's Jayanti

The monastery celebrated an auspicious chitra puja to Gurudeva this month, as it fell on the same same as his jayanti.

Jai to our beloved Gurudeva!

How beautiful can Beauty be?
how bright can Brightness be?
how joyous can Joy be?
how still can Stillness be?
and how blessed can Blessing be?

How great can Greatness be?
how content can Contentment be?
how observant can Observance be?
how restful can Rest be?
and how focussed can Focus be?

How honorable can Honor be?
how happy can Happiness be?
how attentive can Attention be?
how warm can Warmth be?
and how loving can Love be?

How vast can Vastness be?
how respectful can Respect be?
how graceful can Grace be?
and how wise can Wisdom be?

How can you be all this and more
so much, much more
You who are perfect, complete, whole
take me places i'd never dare go
Show me sights i'd be scared to explore
Sounds vaguely familiar clearly flow
their colors bathed in a golden white glow
You light up my life like none before
You hold me in warm embrace
and shower me with your grace
Your very name fills and thrills
and a fleeting, yet vivid, memory suffices
to bring you back to your rightful place
as the light in my eyes
and the smile on my face!

Infinite love and eternal gratitude

Aum Namah Sivaya!

Digital Dharma Drive

Our annual outreach to our thousands of web users is coming to a close. It ends January 31st. Our goal of $70,000 is not quite at the half-way mark.

The truth is, we are going to forge ahead and create the best tools and resources we can no matter what happens with the goal. So, if you have given enough, we accept that with thankful hearts. But if we do make our goal, much more can be accomplished in 2013, since we will be able to reach out to those who are more expert than we, and apply their technical skills to our year's web goals.

Here in Hawaii there is a pidgin saying that applies: "If can, can. If no can, no can." That's the local way of saying, If you can do it, then do so. If you can't, it's all good. Aum Namasivaya!

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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