To attend worship at Kadavul Hindu Temple make a reservation here

The Media Studio's Electrical Team has Arrived

Easvan, Chandran and Bhajana Param arrived at the monastery yesterday. They are here to install the electrical for the Media Studio renovation project. It's clear that they will be a great help. Easvan and Chandran both seemed confindent that the project should go smoothly.

Completion of the New Wall

Holika and his team have completed the new entry wall. It has been artistically plastered and dyed to look like stone. They have also been working on the base around the Mango Mandapam which is being renovated.

Mauritius Himalayan Academy News

Click here for report of Himalayan Academy study gatherings in March.

Vancouver Ganesha Temple

Satguru Bodhinatha had attended the kumbhabhishekam of this temple in January. Manickam Senthivel writes, "I would like to share  a few photographs of the final day (after 45 days of the Maha Kumbhabisekam) of  the Mandalabhisheka ceremony at our Ganesh Temple in Vancouver. This abhishekam was with 101 Valampuri Sangu (conch)."

Monastery Garden Produce

The Monastery Gardens continue to flourish under the care of the Siddhidata Kulam. Here are just a few examples of their produce. The garden grows enough food to support the whole monastery.

A New Wall

The monastery is having a new wall built to replace the old bamboo fence. The wall will be plastered and made to look like natural stone. This is the wall which aspiring young monastics sit by while begging entrance into the monastery. The potential monk meditates on the monastery and its function. He works to inwardly attune himself to its vibration in hopes that he will be accepted in as a postulant sadhaka.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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