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Visitors from UK

Sanjay and Jannani, whose families are originally from Sri Lanka, are visiting from Birmingham, UK, for the first time on holiday. Jannani says she met Gurudeva and Bodhinatha together in Germany in 1992 when she was just age 9. Her grandmother lived close to Yogaswami. Sanjay is a part-time musician and is inspired to record some of Yogaswami's Natchintanai songs in his own style

From The Bangalore Carving Site

April 2013 News Video

Our April 2013 new video covers event in March and April 2013 including: The Iraivan temple landscaping project and renovations to the monastery front entrance, including mango tree removal, banyan tree trimming, pool renovation and the newly constructed wall. This months video also includes our new task forcer Forrest Miller and our monastery's vegetable and flower production. httpvh://

A New Phase Begins

The monks begin this new phase with a homa, burning prayers to the devas. Afterwards Bodhinatha gave a talk about how to hold the perspective that you are your inner perfection and not your outer imperfections, by separating your awerness from that which it is aware of. He mentioned that one of the great things about Gurudeva's teachings is that they give practical ways to get there. Holding a daily vigil being one of them. Bodhinatha stressed the importance of holding a morning vigil, even if it is just 10 minutes long. He particularly mentioned youth, who often struggle to do so because of their busy lives.

Siva Pannai Blessing

Over the retreat the monastery held a blessing for the recently purchased Siva Pannai house and property, beginning with a puja performed by Natyam Nandinatha and followed by Bodhinatha's blessing of the house and land. Afterwards the monks had a chance to explore the new 19 acres.

The Mango Mandapam

Work continues on renovating the Mango Mandapam. Thought it is now without its mango tree, the mandapam is being greatly improved. It has a new wall around its base and has been made taller. Doug (left) has been working on the framing and supports, and today a large group of monks and some helpers lifted it up and rotated it into place upon its new footings.

Staghorn ferns

A few days bak our neighbor took down a giant tree in his compound, and on it were hundreds of mature Staghorn ferns. He gifted them to the monastery, and today Sadasivanathaswami (ahead in the trackhoe) and Adi Srikantha (behind the camera) moved them to a spot near Iraivan. 

Wailua Mission Rudraksha Day

Yesterday the Wailua Mission gathered for their Rudraksha day. They have all worked very hard to collect and gather the seeds, followed by cleaning, drilling and oiling them. On this day they string them into malas and craft jewelry for sale in the Mini Mela. We are all very thankful for their efforts.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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