To attend worship at Kadavul Hindu Temple make a reservation here

Morning Satsang with Bodhinatha

Morning Satsang in Singapore at the Dohadeva residence. More than 30 attended this Satsang with Bani and Rema Devi receiving Samaya Diksha. Congratulations and Aum Namah Sivaya!

Mauritius May Ganesha Homa

Click here for summary and more photos of the May Ganesha homa in Mauritius

All-Day Seminar in Singapore

On May 11, 2013, Satguru Bodhinatha hosted an all day seminar in Singapore based on the Master Course trilogy. The seminar was given to 25 participants in four sessions with Shanmuganathaswami teaching the third session on color meditation. A summary of the 13 movies presentations, the core of the seminar, may be found by clicking HERE

A Homa to Begin the New Phase

Today the monks begin their new phase. With Satguru Bodhinatha traveling, Paramacharya Sadasivanathaswami fills in to burn prayers to the devas and give a short talk, telling a story while alluding to the mysterious ways in which a guru will teach and uplift a seeker.

From the Tirumantiram on the Guru:
He taught me the meekness of Spirit, Infused in me the light of devotion, Granted me the Grace of His Feet; And after holy interrogation, testing me entirely, He revealed to me the Real, the Unreal and Real-Unreal; Certainly the Guru is the Siva Himself.

Malas for Europe

The mission members placed a nondescript brown paper bag on the steps of Lord Ganesha's shrine today, and inside a marvelous offering. They made ten very special malas which will be gifts that Sadasivanathaswami and Senthilnathaswami take to Europe next month. These are so appreciated, and have become our gift of choice for those who understand their merits.

Thanks to the Wailua Mission team for this boon.

Kauai's Established Leadership Core Group

As was mentioned two days back, Bodhinatha and Sadasivanathaswami were invited to join a prestigious group of island leaders the other day, made more precious by the spectacular setting in the remote Limahuli remote this was Bodhinatha's second visit to that area. And his first visit to the creative home of the Haas family.

The mayor of our island was there, the head of our hospital and our little college, educators and administrators of some of the islands most strategic institutions, incluiding the Visitors' Bureau.

Over breakfast the leaders shared their current work, their challenges and solicited input from their peers. It was such a success they opted to meet every three months instead of four.

Darshan this morning

Rama and Mahalakshmi Katari are on their second or third visit from northern California but today they had darshan with Satguru Bodhinatha for the first time. They expressed much appreciation for the Aadheenam's role in strengthening Hinduism.

Singapore Creates Beautiful Jewelry for Iraivan Fundraising

Having worked together as a group to purchase natural stone, crystals and other supplies, the ladies of SSC Singapore Mission create beautiful bracelets and malas for Iraivan Fund Raising. We are very grateful for all of their creative work!

Jai Muruga! A New Monk Joins the Monastic Order Today!

After years of preparation, Brahmachari Jaya took his vows today, to emerge as Sadhaka Jayanatha. It is a great day for the monastic order to have another dedicated soul join Bodhinatha and his team of Sivanadiyar. Sadhaka Jayanatha has shown exemplary behavior in his service and a true spirit of vairagya (detachment) and dedication to this path. We are overjoyed to have him with us.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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