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Climbing to Siva’s Feet

The entrance stairway is just a couple of weeks away from completion. It has taken several months of concrete, rock and tile work, not to mention the installation of the massive elephants. One day, this will be the way most pilgrims approach Iraivan Temple. The most recent work is to tile the concrete treads with quartzite stone. This particular Brazilian stone is so hard and tight that it does not give a foothold for moss and fungus, so stays safe and non-slippery longer, and if you do pressure wash it, it looks like new even years later. Enjoy a short slideshow of today's progress.

Happiest Pancha Ganapati, One and All

Two sunsets from today, one at the monastery and another at the ocean. A Wailua Mission member sent a sweet note to all the monks on this fifth and final day of Pancha Ganapati, added to all the kind wishes that arrived from around the world....

Happy Pancha Ganapathi Dear Monks

We couldn't help reflecting this morning on our Magnificent Gurudeva. He saw little children growing up in the West and might feel left out' of the biggest celebration on this side of the planet. Gurudeva wouldn't have it so He created something so big, so rich, that it took five days to embrace it. It also gave us the opportunity to celebrate this Great God within our neighborhood, go around with gifts in hand and refresh our bonds of harmony and respect. O Gurudeva! We are so grateful!

As Saivites Gurudeva taught us to worship Pancha Ganapathi
O Ruler of Heaven and Earth!
Sweet Lord with the Elephant Ears
Who is sacrifice surrendered Your beautiful Tusk!
O Great God with a slow gait
And a Mother's Love!
Guide us in the first world today!
Hold us to the path of Dharma with your mighty noose . . .
That Your five radiant Shakti's will flow through us
Freely out to the world.

Happy Pancha Ganapati – Day Five

December 25, Orange
Nurturing Harmony among All Three Worlds

The family sadhana for the final day of Pancha Ganapati is to bring forth love and harmony within all three worlds. Because of sadhanas well performed during the first four days, the family is now more open and aware of Ganesa’s grace, and their love for Him is overflowing. On this day the entire family experiences an outpouring of affection and tranquility from the great God Himself. His blessings fill the home and the hearts of everyone within it, inspiring them anew for the coming year. This exchange of affection between all members of the family and the Lord is invoked and perpetuated through the day by performing five special pujas. These five pujas to Pancha Ganapati (see sidebar below) solicit help from His devas in the home and establish the patterns for improvement in family life. The overflowing love that is felt today will inspire generosity in the year to come, bringing abundance and good fortune in return. All gifts received during the day are placed unopened before Pancha Ganapati.

Learn all about Lord Ganesha's Holiday celebration here:

Please also enjoy this explanatory video from Ganesha Bhaktars at the Shree Ghanapathy Temple in London: Day 5 - Pancha Ganapati Festival (25th Dec)

Happy Pancha Ganapati – Day Four

December 24, Green
Nurturing Harmony through Cultural Arts

The sadhana of day four is to draw forth the vibration of joy and harmony that comes from music, art, drama and the dance. Family, relatives and friends gather for satsanga to share and enjoy their artistic gifts. Children dance and sing. Poems are recited. Plays are presented. When the program is over, all sit together before Pancha Ganapati, Patron of the Arts and Guardian of Culture, discussing Hindu Dharma and making plans to bring more cultural refinements into each household. More gifts are placed before Lord Ganapati.

Learn all about Lord Ganesha's Holiday celebration here:

Please also enjoy this explanatory video from fellow Ganesha Bhaktars at the Shree Ghanapathy Temple in London:

Day 4 - Pancha Ganapati Festival (24th Dec)

Happy Pancha Ganapati – Day Three

December 23, Red Nurturing Harmony Among Associates and the Public
The family sadhana for the third day is to create a vibration of love and harmony among business associates, the casual merchant and the public at large. This is the day for presenting gifts to merchants and customers and honoring employers and employees with gifts and appreciation. An important effort on this day is the settling of all debts and disputes. Gifts received are placed unopened before the Deity.

Learn all about Lord Ganesha's Holiday celebration here:

Please also enjoy this explanatory video from fellow Ganesha Bhaktars at the Shree Ghanapathy Temple in London:

Day 3 - Pancha Ganapati Festival (23rd Dec)

Happy Pancha Ganapati – Day Two

December 22, Blue Nurturing Harmony Among Friends & Neighbors
The family sadhana for the second day of Pancha Ganapati is to create a vibration of love and harmony among neighbors, relatives and close friends and present them with heartfelt gifts. Members of the family offer apologies and clear up any misunderstandings that exist beyond the home, among friends and neighbors. Relatives and friends in far-off places are written to or called, forgiveness is sought, amends made and tensions released. Gifts received are placed unopened before Pancha Ganapati.

Learn all about Lord Ganesha's Holiday celebration here:

Please also enjoy this explanatory video from fellow Ganesha Bhaktars at the Shree Ghanapathy Temple in London:

Day 2 - Pancha Ganapati Festival (22nd Dec)

Earthwork Preparing for Another Concrete Foundation

We had a nice rainbow over Iraivan Temple the other day as a storm was leaving. That's the first photo. Subsequent photos show final earthwork being done by Pradip in preparation for the second concrete foundation pour of the new Siddhidata Kulam workspace. The project was delayed for some days by wet weather, but now it's dry enough to continue. This second foundation will be for the new equipment maintenance shop adjacent to their new offices and storage space.

Simsimvumsimsimsawvumsimsim Chant

During Satguru's most recent talk he gave the definition for the Shum word Simsimvumsimsimsawvumsimsim following it with the comment that "it would make a good chant." He was right! Listen now and see for yourself as we just made it into a chant by repeating the audio clip along side a background sound of tabla drums using the audio editing software Audacity. Enjoy! Aum Namah Sivaya!

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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