To attend worship at Kadavul Hindu Temple make a reservation here

Mauritius Spiritual Park

Click here for more photos and report of August Ganesha homa

From the Carving Site in Bangalore

This our new Anjaneya Peedam stone. We have been in the process of the rough work on it for sometime now. The blocks weighed 30 tons and had to be specially unload from the truck with a 50 ton heavy duty crane.

The first block was a little unsuitable and we have decided to use it for some other work. We were indeed very lucky to get this block at the correct time.

Media Studio Entryway Progress

The media studio entryway has come a long way in the past few weeks. The more time consuming work of creating all the beams, rafters and sheathing is over and the team has moved ahead quickly with their installation. Here is a look at the roofs evolution from rafters to purlins to sheathing.

Mauritius Teaching Activities

Click here for more photos and report of a Public Saivite Orientation at Helvetia Hindu Temple in St. Pierre.

Gurudeva Portrait

When Zsolt Miklos Kovacs traveled for several hours to meet our peripatetic swamis in Italy last month, he brought this amazing portrait of Gurudeva as a gift, made with acrylics and pencil. Gurudeva's teachings mean a lot to him and it shows in this work which captures something special of our dear Gurudeva. Zsolt calls the work "Homage." It's so accurate, we thought some may want to print it out, so you can click on the full-screen button in the bottom-right for a higher-resolution version. Or click here for an even higher resolution version

Recent Pilgrims

This series of photos includes two families. The first family is Naveen and Sheela Raj with daughter Shivali and triplet sons Sachin, Sameer and Shulin. They are making their first visit from southern California. Naveen used to visit our Palaniswami temple in San Francisco way back.

The second family is Parameshwaran and Priya Gopi with their daughter Kaanchana and son Shankaran plus Priya's parents. They are all repeating pilgrims from the San Francisco area.

July 31st Homa

Today the monks observed their weekly Homa in Kaduval temple, along with attending devotees. Siva was worshiped in the sacred fire, and written prayers were burned to the devas. A serene and meditative atmosphere was enjoyed by all.

Afterwards Bodhinatha discussed awareness and willpower, explaining how our interest in something effects our experience of it. He read from Living with Siva, lesson 106:

The primal life force ever resident within the body, emotions and mind of man is, when used or allowed to function, what I term willpower. Now we can see that the ever-present persistence of life force gives an overabundance of willpower and with it the ability to direct it from deep within. This ability to direct the willpower is the jñana, the wisdom we seek. We have but two choices: to gain jñana through learning the tried-and-tested, set patterns for living and conducting ourself or, through assuming a relaxed approach of ignorance, be guided by the "good" and "bad" and mixed emotional forces of the wills of others. Therefore, the devotee seeks to gain the conscious control of his own willpower, to awaken knowledge of the primal force through the direct experience of it, and to claim conscious control of his own individual awareness. ¶Thus we can begin to see that our individual awareness, willpower and the primal life force deep within body, emotion and mind are, in fact, one and the same--that willpower, individual awareness and life force, their habits and usages, are but various aspects. ¶You will notice that, through our study together, these three aspects are referred to time and time again, individually as well as collectively. However, in the study of yoga it is important to keep in mind the totality of their sameness in order to fully identify your personal and continued experience of yourself as a being with unlimited will, constantly and fully aware of the primal life force flowing through body and emotions, as you, awareness, travel through the mind. This is the goal of the jñani, the one who has attained to wisdom, to the acquisition of divine knowledge and the personal experience of what he has learned. ¶A child in his early years becoming acquainted with living with his family on this planet will show tendencies toward a quiet, peaceful will or a provocative willfulness. The wise parent teaches the culture and etiquette of the household and the community at large, ever endeavoring to bring forth the inner knowledge within the child as to the wise use of his willpower, guiding him carefully away from impulsive, willful behavior so that, little by little, he becomes responsible for the action he causes, as well as its reactions. The unwise parent with no particular cultural heritage, completely vulnerable to his own instinctive impulses, overlooks this area of childhood training. Therefore, impulsive willfulness bursts forth from within the children, cultivating abilities to hurt themselves as well as others, and to upset the home, with no particular remedy in view. ¶This of course is the opposite to what we have in mind to obtain for ourselves. It is the attainment of that ever-collected mastery over our faculties through holding our inner perspective of them that keeps a heavy reign over the aspect of awareness called willpower, maintaining an even balance between the emotional-instinctive, the intellectual and the spiritual aspects of our being. It is through the study of raja yoga, while always holding a silent overview as to what you are learning and how it relates to your particular life patterns, that you will come to know that an inner change is taking place. Harness the powers of your will in the ways indicated. The reward is simultaneous with the effort employed. The results are immediate.

Tour Day

Yesterday was tour day at the monastery. Some 120 pilgrims and tourists came to visit the Aadheenam and see the sacred gardens and Iraivan temple. Afterwards Bodhinatha spent time in the Mini Mela signing books and greeting guests.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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