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Seminar for Wailua Mission

Satguru Bodhinatha gave a first seminar (out of three) to our local Saiva Siddhanta Church sishyas, presenting the same material as what SSC sishyas are receiving in other locations through the year. This time he shared about the slideshow movies he's been producing, and about sadhana vigils.

Temple as the Source of Culture – Publisher's Desk


Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami reads his editorial from the Oct/Nov/Dec 2013 edition of Hinduism Today magazine. "By consciously connecting the home shrine to the temple, the family sustains tradition and strengthens relationships."

From the Bangalore carving site

At the carving site in Bangalore, work is moving forward on the final batch of stone chains. As you can imagine, carving a chain from a single piece of stone is no easy task, but the carvers do it with incredible refinement and skill.


Formal Master Course student Tejasinha Sivalingam had darshan with Satguru Bodhinatha this morning. He also fashioned a Sanskrit Aum out of rudraksha fruits, seen in next image.

Master Course student's first visit to Kauai

Tejasinha Sivalingam is making his first visit to Kauai after having first obtained the trilogy of books about 15 years ago, and nowadays he's following our formal Master Course Supervised Study in southern California where he lives.

Media Studio Rock Work

Over the last few days Holika and Paul have been working to complete the professional stone work which wraps around the building's main support columns. The stonework has had an instantly transformative effect on the space.

Marching Through Sri Lanka and South India

The 1982 Indian Odyssey and the all-island tour of Sri Lanka that followed had no precedent in history. No one, not even S. Shanmuga sundaram, the liason officer for the Church in Sri Lanka who had done the groundwork for the journey, had an inkling of the overall magnitude of the receptions that awaited Gurudeva there. It was unprecedented precisely because religious followings in Asia remain exclusive, and the followers of one teacher or guru do not attend the lectures of another. When a Ramakrishna swami travels, for example, his audience is, for the most part, Ramakrishna Mission members, plus a few uncommitted seekers. But here was a rare soul, a guru, not from India, but from the Wild West, from America, who had no local following and posed no threat to any movement. After all, he would soon return to his land and not draw devotees away from the local ashrams. Everyone was, therefore, free to attend his talks, and they did in numbers that had not been seen since the legendary saints of yore walked these same lanes to speak similar thoughts to devotees centuries before. In this remote part of the world, the village was still the center of life; and when Gurudeva rode through a village, by car or carriage, it came alive. Thousands of Saivites lined the lanes of Alaveddy, Kopay, Karainagar, Batticaloa, Hatton, Kokuvil and elsewhere to honor and revere the satguru and affectionately greet the Saiva pilgrims from the West. A holiday was declared in Kilinochchi so all the school children of the district could join in the parade, which wound a full sixteen miles through the region and took an entire day. From 9am to 5pm Gurudeva was seated on a tall chariot made for the occasion, drawn through the crowded streets by hundreds of men pulling two long, stout ropes. At the gate to each family compound, typically just off the road, nearly every household had set up an elaborately decorated greeting altar, with brass oil lamps called kuttuvilakku and a kumbha. Standing around the altar, the entire family (often three generations) would greet the tall, white-haired, orange-robed, rudraksha-bedecked satguru with flowers, rosewater, holy ash and arati. For most, he simply passed by and they rushed forward to throw their garland into his hands. Now and again, the procession halted, and Gurudeva got down, approached the family's altar and allowed them to pass the lighted lamp before him, to pour water on his dusty feet, place the red pottu on his forehead and garland him. He looked like Siva Himself, they whispered to one another, so divine, so full of light and love. For these families, stories would echo for generations.

Processions continued for miles and miles in the hot sun, village after village. As he approached the outskirts of a village, you could hear the distant, welcoming roar of hundreds of voices intoning "Aum Namasivaya" with heartfelt fervor. Kids set off firecrackers and lit sparklers. Those with more ingenuity had set nets of flowers high in the trees, and as Gurudeva walked beneath, they tugged on ropes to release showers of blossoms. Each procession had its destination, a temple usually, for this is the common gathering place for Saivites and saints, but sometimes it was a hall or a schoolyard. The last few hundred meters, sometimes the last mile, men would scurry in front of him, in teams of eight, to place on the ground newly woven white veshti cloth in ten-meter lengths so the satguru's feet, bare as he approached the temple, would not have to touch the Earth. Walking before the satguru, there was always a team of nagasvara and tavil musicians and a flock of young girls in white dresses tossing rose petals beneath his feet. Arriving, Gurudeva was escorted to the Deity's shrine for a brief puja, then to the stage for the obligatory oratory by local politicians and village elders, which, if allowed, would eclipse the real purpose of the day. Toward the end Gurudeva decreed that his talk would be first and the introductions would follow. Amazingly, it worked; and his connection with the audience came to life, absent the hour-long soporific speechifying by others.

Los Angeles' "guerrilla gardener"

A special tour was arranged for Mr. Ron Finley of Los Angeles, who garnered national attention when he gave a TED talk about his efforts to promote healthy eating and urban farming in south central Los Angeles. From Wikipedia-- " Finley is also known as a proponent of healthy eating and gardening. He is co-founder of LAGREENGROUNDS.ORG, a company that plants gardens at low-income homes in the Los Angeles area as a part of a recovery system to transform neighborhoods. In early 2013, he gave a TED talk on his progress as a "guerrilla gardener," the dangers of food deserts, and the potential for his program to improve quality of life. He said in the talk, "If kids grow kale, kids eat kale; if they grow tomatoes, they eat tomatoes." The program has had modest success in persuading city officials to cooperate, but remains officially illegal under city code."

His website

His rousing TED talk

Auspicious Homa Day Samaya Diksha for Sadhaka Jayanatha

To began a bright new phase with homa. It was particularly auspicious as Sadhaka Jayanatha received Samaya Diksha... the Mantra initiation for the lifelong practice of Aum Namasivaya japa.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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