To attend worship at Kadavul Hindu Temple make a reservation here
We are closed December 24, 25 and 26th.

Last Night's Sunset

Over the past week we've been seeing glorious sunsets like this one. Interestingly, many have held resemblance to volcanic activity, some recent sunsets even looked like red smoke, rising from Waialele's long-dormant center.

October 20th Homa

This morning the monks began their new phase. The homa held at Kaduval temple is always an uplifting delight, and today was no different. Satguru Bodhinatha burned the prayers to the devas and afterwards gave a wonderful upadesha about the unfoldment, perfection and equality of all souls. An understanding which helps us to lift ourselves from a consciousness of lowering other so that we may stand higher, to one of improving ourselves instead.

Early Morning Moon

This morning we caught a beautiful view of the moon as it was setting over the mountain, the golden sun rising behind us.

Public Tour Day

Recently it was the monastery's tour day. A group of a hundred tourists, pilgrims and sight seers got a chance to walk the Aadheenam's garden paths and see Iraivan temple. Deva Seyon gave a wonderful tour as he so often does. He explained the history of the monastery and answered the many good questions that were asked by our guests.

A Hike on the Napali Coast

Recently three of the monks and Tirtadeva went for a hike on the Northern coast of the Island. The trail takes you along the coastal cliffs, and stretches 11 miles before reaching Kalalau Valley, a place held sacred by the Hawaiians. The group of course didn't go the full 11 miles, but was content to go two miles in and out which leads you to a wonderful beach at the two mile mark.

Grand Jayanti Celebrations for Bodhinatha in Mauritius

Saiva Siddhanta Church shishya all gathered to celebrate Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami's 71st Jayanti.
Click here to view the full story and photos

Celebrating Bodhinatha's Jayanti

Yesterday the monastery celebrated our beloved Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami's 71st jayanti. Before retiring for a very tasty and healthy meal with the monks, Bodhinatha met with local church members who had prepared gifts for him. Some of the gifts included mangos, garlands, chocolates, two beautifully decorated cakes and a Kauai-made mala of rudrakshas.

Happy Guru Jayanti!

"When the entire universe is looked on as pervaded by the
Sivaguru, what mantra can fail to achieve its purpose for the shishya?
When the Satguru is present, no tapas is necessary, neither by fasting nor
observances, neither pilgrimage nor purificatory bath. What he speaks is as
"Feel one with your guru and not separate from him, and do good to all as your
own. Whatever is beneficial to yourself, term that beneficial to him.
Whether moving or standing, sleeping or waking, performing japa or making
offerings, carry out only the injunctions of your guru with your inner being
dwelling in him.
"As in the vicinity of fire, butter gets melted, so in the proximity of the holy
Sivaguru all bad karmas dissolve. As lighted fire burns up all fuel, dry and
moist, so the glance of the Sivaguru burns up in a moment the karmas of the
shishya. As the heap of cotton blown up by a great storm scatters in all the ten
directions, so the heap of negative karmas is blown away by the compassion of
the Sivaguru. As darkness is destroyed at the very sight of the lamp, so is
ignorance destroyed at the sight of the holy Sivaguru."
- Kularnava Tantra, chapter 3

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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