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We are closed December 24, 25 and 26th.

Priests at Kauai Aadheenam Wrap Kumbhas

Sivacharyar Kumar Naganathan and Sivacharyar Baranitharan Kumarasamy Kurukkal are here to perform Mahasamadhi rites. Besides chanting impeccable Sanskrit and having a full knowledge of all the ritual actions, the priests have many other skills related to the temple and Agamic ceremonies. Here they are doing the traditional kumbha wrapping with colorful yarn. It's a challenging skill and Yoginathaswami tries to follow along.

Gurudeva Mahasamadhi Observances Mauritius

Join the members in Mauritius to remember and honor the memory of the great soul who founded Saiva Siddhanta Church in Mauritius.

2013 Gurudeva Mahasamadhi Celebrations

"Through regular practice of meditation, one learns to move awareness through the Superconscious areas like a dancer learns to move across the stage according to the rhythm of the music. It takes much practice for the dancer to acquire the technique in the preparation of himself to fulfill his calling. He has to live a disciplined lifestyle. It is the same for the contemplative. He has to work with and exercise the currents of awareness so dynamically that he can flow into a superconscious area and remain there long enough to look around a little bit and enjoy it." -Gurudeva

Today marks day one of four festive days here at Kauai Aadheenam. Pilgrims from all over the world have come to visit the monastery, learn from Satguru Bodhinatha and his monks, perform sadhana, and of course, celebrate Gurudeva's fathomless spirit. Today began with a Siva homa, performed by our guest priest Kumar Gurukkal. Gurukkal is currently serving as head priest of the Hindu Temple of Tulsa, Oklahoma. He lives there with his family and has officiated at our Gurudeva Mahasamadhi for several years now. The Homa included an auspicious Namakarana Samskara, a name-changing ceremony for Jayashri Nataraj. Here is part of her pledge which she read aloud:
"I, Jayashri Nataraj, formerly known as Lily Lawrence, having declared of my own volition acceptance of the principles of the Sanatana Dharma, including a firm belief in all-pervasive Divinity and the Vedic revelations of karma, dharma and punarjanma, and having severed all previous non-Hindu religious affiliations, attachments and commitments, hereby humbly petition entrance into the Saivite sect of the Hindu religion through the traditional namakarana samskara. I plead for recognition and acceptance of this irrevocable conversion to Saivite Hinduism by God, Gods, devas and the community of devotees witnessing this sacred rite. May my family name be known as Nataraj and my given name as Jayashri."

Following the Homa, pilgrims had a light breakfast together and then attended a satsang with Satguru Bodhinatha. Bodhinatha led the group through several meditations and delved deep into a study of the tattvas and the deeper energies of the mind and soul.

Later in the day pilrgims had the opportunity to join Brahmanathaswami for a bhajan class, and then proceeded to a class with Shanmuganathaswami. Swami gave a lesson in color meditation and energizing one's aura. Following the class pilgrims were free to wander the evening grounds and perform sadhana in our sacred gardens. Many pilgrims soon retired for the night, after having had an exhaustingly wonderful day.

Narmada Stream Returns

After nearly four years without Narmada Stream flowing, it's waters can once again be heard throughout the monastery. And it all auspiciously happened one day before the beginning of Gurudeva's 2013 Mahasamadhi Celebrations. This truly is a well-planned Universe. Arriving pilgrims can now perform abhishekam to the Narmada Lingam, using the water that flows by its side. Jai Gurudeva! Aum Namah Sivaya.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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