To attend worship at Kadavul Hindu Temple make a reservation here
We are closed December 24, 25 and 26th.

Gurudeva Padapuja and Dikshas

Last night during the chitra nakshatra, monks and members gathered in Kadavul Temple to exchange their blessings with Gurudeva. Sadhaka Mayuranatha and Sadhaka Jayanatha performed a tranquil padapuja, culminating in waves of shakti from Gurudeva and the inner worlds.

Directly following the puja, Satguru Bodhinatha gave diksha to two devotees from Australia. Thamilmani Visakan took samaya (mantra) diksha and Sornavanita Sutherman took vishesha diksha. Many blessings to them both as they continue on the path, deeper into their inherent divinity. Aum Namah Sivaya

Recent Pilgrims

A family reunion came for darshan with Satguru Bodhinatha and asked many wonderful questions about Tirumantiram, realizing the Self, the most important things for youth to focus on, and many others. Bodhinatha shared the 10-minute spiritual workout Publisher's Desk article with the youth, which appears in the current issue of Hinduism Today.

Holiday Visitors

In the few days coming up to Pancha Ganapati we always see many visitors who make Kauai's Hindu Monastery and Iraivan temple their holiday destination. Kulapati Easan Katir shares these images from around Iraivan

December 2013 News Video

httpvh:// Our December 2013 news video covers events in November 2013 including: Skanda Shashthi festival puja, an invitation to our 2014 Mauritius Innersearch Travel-Study Program, Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami's Publisher's Desk editorial introducing the 10-Minute Spiritual Workout for youth and the six-week visit of Kulapati Sivanathan and Kulamata Puvana Batumalai from Malaysia.

Pancha Ganapati, Day Four

Ganesha was central to Gurudeva's life, from the day he met Him in a temple in Sri Lanka, to the day he prayed with Kandiah Chettiar at the little tree-Ganapati at Elephant Pass as he entered Jaffna for the first time in 1949 to the day he had a river vision of Ganesha that established our Spiritual Park in Mauritius.

On this penultimate festival day, we offer a little poem at the Feet of Pancha Ganapati, inviting Him into our lives to guide and inspire.

Single Tusker

Born of Siva to command the mind,
His manger deep within the cranial cave,
Ganesha reigns the heavens and mankind
With tender heart, with visage stern and grave.

This winter season called the Mass of Light,
This sacred season celebrating 'That,'
Was ancient when the Buddha saw man's plight
And older still when Mary Christ begat.

In the beginning 'twas Ganesha's time
For He is time itself, existing now.
That rotund, bright-eyed saint of northern clime,
Bedecked in red and green with hoary brow,
He is Ganesha, giver of all wealth.

Aum, may He grant you grace, contentment, health.

Kauai Hula Dancers Visit

Yesterday a hula halau of eight dancers dressed in traditional costume, lead by Kuulei, received permission to perform their ancient dance and chant near the Nani Kauai pond and falls. The chant is an ancient one in their culture, and they clearly took great joy in this offering, a rare one indeed. Thank you, all, for bringing this cultural richness to the aadheenam. In olden days, aadheenams were the cultural repository for Saiva communities.

Mauritius Classes Celebrate Pancha Ganapati

Click here for many more photos and description of our Saivite Hindu Religion class groups celebrating Pancha Ganapati at our Spiritual Park

Happy Pancha Ganapati!

Here at the monastery the monks have set up a beautiful Pancha Ganapati shrine in Kadavul temple, replete with flowers, lights, gems, and the sparkles the Lord Ganapati so greatly adores. And one can't forget the many gifts which his beloved devotees have placed at his feet. Tomorrow Lord Ganapati will display Emerald Green as we draw forth the vibration of joy and harmony that arises from music, art, drama and dance.

Celebrating Pancha Ganapati

A mother, Niki Whiting, in Washington is observing Pancha Ganapati with her children for the first time this year. She writes: "Pancha Ganapati is a modern holiday invented by the people at the Hindu Academy in Hawaii. The idea is to give Hindus in North America something to focus on while the over culture is celebrating Christmas. It reminds me of Hanukkah: a legitimate but minor holiday that took on increased focus as mainstream American Christianity increased its observance of Christmas. I love holidays and completely support people creating alternatives to give certain seasons meaning and/or to diffuse the over culture's influence, particularly for those people raising kids.

My family has observed both the solstice and Christmas for several years. Last year I discovered Pancha Ganapati. This will be our first year observing it. Ganesh is my family's ‘patron saint,' so I think this holiday will fit right in. It consists of honoring Ganesh through daily pujas for five days, beginning on December 21 and ending on December 25. Families are encouraged to move their murtis of Ganesh to the main living area, decorating Him with a different color for each day, observing a daily puja, and discussing each of the five Hindu values."

To read her entire blog with day-to-day instructions, go here:

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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