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The Subconscious Mind Part 2

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami gives his weekly upadesha in Kadavul Temple. It is part of a series of talks elaborating on the inspired teachings of Śivaya Subramuniyaswami as found in his book Merging With Śiva.

“Do not be afraid of the subconscious. It is useless to be afraid of the past.”

A Swami and a Yogi in Singapore

Aum Namah Sivaya

Over the next few weeks Sannysin Yoginathaswami and Yogi Dayanatha are traveling. Their first stop was Singapore where they had some time to spend with SSC members and students, and with Yogi's family. The two monks also enjoyed a visit to Sri Senpaga Vinayagar Temple where the temple was holding their annual utsavam. Aum.

Gurudeva Chitra Padapuja

This morning we observed the 288th monthly paduka puja to honor our late Gurudeva's mahasamadhi that occurred on Chitra nakshatra. Exerpt from the Kularnava Tantra scripture-- "The world you reach after the physical body is shed is determined by the level of consciousness reached while in the body. So, as long as the body lasts, exert yourself towards the goal of Liberation. Remember, the physical body does not last forever. Age prowls like a leopard; diseases attack like an enemy. Death waits not to see what is done or not done. Before the limbs lose their vitality, before adversities crowd in upon you, take to the auspicious path. Therefore, choose, then worship a satguru. Worship his feet. Cherish the very sandals (paduka) which hold his feet. All knowledge is founded on those paduka. Remember and cherish those paduka, which yield infinitely more merit than any number of observances, gifts, sacrifices, pilgrimages, mantra-japa and rituals of worship. It is these feet, when remembered, that protect in times of distress, danger or calamity. Study, remembrance, knowledge, donations, sacrifices and worship are truly done by him who ever remembers the satgurus feet. Look toward the direction in which the lotus feet of the satguru lie and bow down to them every day with devotion. There is no mantra higher than that of his feet, no merit higher than his worship."

Pool Renovation Begins in Earnest

Before we begin the pool report, a sharing. When Shanmukha Sivacharyar was here in March left a bit of wisdom for all to ponder. He told all gathered for the Big Event:

When turbulence is experienced in our life (health, loss, career changes, karmic challenges, relationships), buckle up. Just pretend you are on a plane that has hit a some rough weather. What do you do? Reach for the seatbelt and buckle up. Then sit back, stay calm and let the pilot, who is Siva, do his duty.

A new project has begun, the renovation of the Kadavul Temple Tank. It is long overdue, and will bring new beauty and color for pilgrims to enjoy. The tank has been drained and now the old surface paint is being removed. Plumbing is being rerouted and improved to make maintenance work easier for the monks.

The pool with then be covered with deep blue, one-inch square tiles. The Tamil Aum, which has faded over the years, will now be remade in tile, never to fade again! The project will take 6-8 weeks.

When asked to explain the purpose of the Hindu temple tank, ChatGPT said: "The temple tank in a Hindu temple serves as a sacred water reservoir, symbolizing purity and spiritual cleansing. Here devotees perform ritualistic ablutions before entering, offering prayers and seeking blessings. It also facilitates religious ceremonies and plays a vital role in fostering a serene and divine atmosphere within the temple complex."

Aerial Photos – May 2023

Aum Namah Sivaya

We recently took a short survey flight with our drone, attempting to map out some future improvements along San Marga. While up there we took a few other shots just for fun. From the air, we're continually reminded of how lush and pure our island environment is. A perfect place of prana and a plethora of pretty plants.

"The whole world is an ashram in which all are doing sadhana. We must love the world, which is God's creation. Those who despise, hate and fear the world do not understand the intrinsic goodness of all."

Moving a Rose Granite Bench

Years ago, seeing the deterioration occasioned by the tropics on all things wooden, we decided as much as feasible to use longer-lasting materials. So when a wooden garden bench rotted out, we had four rose-colored granite benches made by our team in India, and installed them in the gardens.

One among them became overgrown by the foliage, and no one was using it. So two days back we took a team of six out and moved it to a new location. It now sits near the flagpole, overlooking Rishi Valley, a place it will be used often and enjoyed.

Story in the slideshow.

Completing Taskforce Visit

Earlier this month, Saiva Siddhanta Church longtime sishya, Sivajani Nagappan, had darshan with Satguru before completing his several-week taskforce stay and returning home to Malaysia, where the rest of his family will see Satguru shortly. Sivajnani was very helpful to the Aadheenam during the intense period of preparing for the final Iraivan Temple Mandala Pujas. He also enjoyed quiet "recharging" time sadhanas on the grounds.

Satguru Departs on Nine-Day Trip

After a unexpected cancellation of the flight from Honolulu to Tokyo yesterday, Satguru is flying this morning to visit SSC sishyas, Himalayan Academy students and well-wishers in Singapore and Malaysia. This is his first time visiting since the lockdowns began in 2020.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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