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Our Spiritual Park

Activities at the Spiritual Park in Mauritius are moving forward dynamically, with classes, catalyst training, translations, satsangs and physical improvements at the seven-acre sanctuary where the river meets the ocean. Additionally, preparations ar underway to receive our two swamis in September for five days, a rare visit by Sadasivanathaswami and Tillainathaswami.

The Associated Press Interviews Satguru

As you know from earlier posts, the Associated Press came to Kauai to do a story on Iraivan and Kauai Aadheenam. Yesterday the writer/videographer team met with Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami in the Guru Peedam. It was a rich forty-five minutes, with questions focused almost exclusively on Saivism, something we don't often see from the press. When their story appears (and the attending 3-4 minute film), we will share and you will enjoy what Satguru had to say.

Sadhaka Vatshalanatha Performs Atmartha Puja

One of the requirements for a new monk is to learn and then perform the Saiva Atmartha Puja (home shrine puja) in front of Satguru and all the monks. Sadhaka Vatshalanatha recently did this at 5:30am in place of our normal puja for the monks. This accomplishment is a stepping stone towards him next learning the parartha puja (established temple puja), which he will eventually perform for Ganesha and Murugan Deities in Kadavul Temple.

Silpi Outing Included First Time Participant

It was time again for another island jaunt by our temple shilpis, and our Iraivan Temple priest, Pravin Kumar Gurukal, joined. It was his first opportunity since March to start seeing the beautiful environment of Kauai. On this sunny day they took a short walk around Nawiliwili Bay near the airport and visited a small lighthouse on the point.

A Future Article in the Making

A team flew to Kauai for a few days, with a goal to produce an article and short film about the spirituality of Kauai Aadheenam and Iraivan Temple. They are from the noted Associated Press which ChatGPT describes this way: "The Associated Press (AP) is a global news agency famous for its extensive and reliable news coverage, its widespread distribution network, and its commitment to providing impartial and objective journalism. It is highly regarded for its integrity and credibility in delivering news from around the world."

They are Deepa Bharat of Chennai and her filmographer, Jessie. They have teamed up on a number of religious stories over the years, including about the remote Columbian indigenous tribals. In addition to a major print story, they will produce a 3-4 minute film. Jessie is a deft drone pilot and got great end-of-day shots from high above Iraivan's golden towers. They interviewed Devajyothi visiting from Portland in English and Pravinkumar, in Tamil. He shared something with them that struck Deepa as profound. Pravinekumar told her," In India building such a temple is possible, but it is not done anymore. In Hawaii it is impossible, and yet the monks built it. So it's a miracle."

Jai Mahalingesvara.

The Sub of the Subconscious Mind – Part 2

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami gives his weekly upadesha in Kadavul Temple. It is part of a series of talks elaborating on the inspired teachings of Śivaya Subramuniyaswami as found in his book Merging With Śiva.

"Through the powers of meditation, one can straighten out a few of the subsubconscious mind’s predominant misprogrammings that cause tendencies that make us act in certain ways. The subsubconscious mind can be understood consciously when the thoughts which created this “sub” are traced. These will usually be found when the conscious mind is at its lowest ebb."

Saiva Siddhanta Church Sishya Receives Mantra Diksha

On the auspicious full moon day of Guru Purnima, Gunamaya Sivananda from Tijuana, Mexico, received mantra diksha from Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami after several years of study and sadhanas. She now joins the fellowship of Dikshasishyas in Saiva Siddhanta Church. Mantra Diksha is formal blessings from Satguru for "Aum Namasivaya" to become the mantra used for performing daily japa-- chanting a mantra 108 times. A summary explanation from Dancing with Siva book-- Is Initiation Necessary to Perform Japa? LOKA 138 The most precious of all aivitemantras,Nama ivya is freely sung and chanted by one and all.Mantra dkshbestows the permission and power forjapa yoga.Without this initiation, its repetition bears lesser fruit. Aum. BHSHYA The Pachkshara Mantra is the word of God, the name and total essence of iva. But to chant Nama ivya and to be empowered to chant Nama ivya is likened to the difference between writing a check without money in the bank and writing a check with money in the bank. Nama ivya is the gateway toyoga. Initiation from an orthodoxguruis given after preparation, training and attaining a certain level of purity and dedication. Thegurubestows the authority to chant Nama ivya. After initiation, the devotee is obligated to intone it regularly as instructed. This forges theishya'spermanent bond with theguruand his spiritual lineage,sampradya,and fires the process of inner unfoldment. From the lips of my Satguruntha I learned Nama ivya, and it has been the central core of my life, strength and fulfillment of destiny. The secret of Nama ivya is to hear it from the right lips at the right time. Then, and only then, is it the most powerful mantra for you. Theiva Sahitaffirms, "Only the knowledge imparted by aguru,through his lips, is powerful and useful; otherwise it becomes fruitless, weak and very painful." Aum Nama ivya.

Iraivan’s Bronze Panels

Bronze panels have been a vision in the making for years, mostly hidden from curious TAKA eyes. We did see Holly Young at work on the bas-relief sculptures during the last year or two, but then it all disappeared into the metal workshops in Loveland, Colorado. Recently we reported on the arrival of two crates holding 20 of the finished works of art.

They are now being installed on the perimeter wall, 35 of them in all, measuring 14" by 47." Gurudeva envisioned them as a library in bronze, just as the granite pillars were called by him "A library in stone." The panels contain the basic information a future pilgrim (or team of archeologists) would like to know: the history of the temple, from vision to chisel; the founder and architect; the simple technology used; the story of Mahalingesvara, the holy swayambhu spatika lingam; the monastery and its Satguru and monks; the philosophy of Saiva Siddhanta represented by the temple; the scriptures and beliefs in multiple languages, and more.

It is immensely rewarding after so much effort to see the panels in place, adding another layer of grace and meaningfulness to Iraivan's already infinite goodness. There are more panels to be installed in the days ahead as an unusually competent team drills and installs the bronzes. Today's slideshow shows the process in detail. Jai Gurudeva!

The Sub of the Subconscious Mind – Part 1

Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami gives his weekly upadesha in Kadavul Temple, as part of a series of talks elaborating on the inspired teachings of Śivaya Subramuniyaswami as found in his book Merging With Śiva.

"There is one area of the subconscious mind that seems rather devious and extremely hard to program. It is called the sub of the subconscious mind. It often could seem like faulty software in the computer. But when finally programmed correctly, it can become the greatest asset. It brings us good luck and assists with perfect timing through life."

Happy 2023 Guru Purnima!

Jai Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami!

Early this morning the aadheenam celebrated Guru Purnima with a 6:00am parade to Iraivan Temple, followed by a pada puja honoring Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami and the entire Guru Parampara. To begin the day, monks and devotees paraded Satguru's chariot down Siva Saalai—the concrete road leading down to the temple. Upon arrival, Pravinkumar welcomed Satguru with and arati and the whole group continued inside the temple for a padapuja at the northeast corner of the temple. Yogi Dayanatha and Sannyasin Siddhanathaswami performed the puja as Satguru entered deep meditation. Afterwards, Satguru gave vibhuti blessings to all present. Aum Namah Shivaya.

From the Kularnava Tantra:

And Lord Siva said: How can My subtle perfection, which is one, omnipresent, attributeless, indifferent, undecaying, unattached like space, unbeginning and unending, be an object of worship for the dualistic mind? Hence it is that I as the Supreme Guru have entered into the bodies of human Satgurus.
Even My gross aspect, being full of light and energy, is imperceptible to human eyes. For this reason I have assumed the form of the Satguru in the world, and thus protect the race of sishyas.
As Mahesvara, in human body I secretly wander on the Earth in order to favor sishyas. As Sadasiva, I assume the modest and merciful form for the protection of sadhakas. Though remaining above samsara, yet I appear and act in this world as though I were a man of samsara.
When the fruits of sin predominate, Satguru is seen as a person. And when the fruits of virtuous acts prevail, Satguru is seen as Siva. Like blind men deprived forever of seeing the sun, unfortunate jivas are unable to see the real Satguru, the embodiment of Mahesvara, though He is present before their eyes. It is undoubtedly true that Satguru is Deva Sadasiva Himself, for who is it that grants Liberation to seekers if Satguru be not Siva Himself?
O Beloved, there is not the least difference between Deva Sadasiva and Sriguru. Whoever makes a distinction between them commits a sin. For by assuming the form of a preceptor, the Gurudeva severs the multitude of bonds which bind jivas to the state of pasu and enables them to attain the Self, Parasivam.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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