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Kulapati Easvan Param Takes Aadheenam Electrical to the Next Level


Kulapati Easvan Param has for years been helping the Aadheenam with it’s electrical needs. He has been so dedicated to this mission that he studied hard and took and passed the state exam to get his electrical contractor’s license for the state of Hawaii. He already has this for his business in California, Param Electric.

For the past year now he has been working very closely with Yoginathaswami on the planning, equipment acquisition and implementation logistics for our major all-aadheenam electrical infrastructure upgrade.

During these past two weeks while everyone else was enjoying the festival, Easvan has been quietly working with our SK team.


Here he is working on pulling wire through conduit from the distribution shed under the road and over to the Aadheenam.




He’s a real expert and knows how to get things done. The Siddhidata Kulam is learning from him.




He stands by and collaborates with Kauai Electric Utility company men who are here doing the final hook up of incoming power to the new intake panel recently built.





Success! These panels are all now hot! A fresh electrical feed for the whole Aadheenam… but from one point of view, this is just the beginning.


Inside the aadheenam we find thousands of feet of old wiring, going all the way back to the 1950’s! Easvan was generous enough to even provide for the cost and wages of two of his top employees to fly to Hawaii to work with him.

Here he is with Luke Diener in the “loft” over our back kitchen which was the old distribution center for most of the power coming in to the main monastery building. They had to remove 100’s of feet of old wires, locate and trace dozens of old circuits, re-install and re-connect them new electrical feeds. It has been a huge job!


This is Rama Pederson working on the same project.


Since all this is happening behind walls, so to speak, it is hard to convey the massive scope of this upgrade. It also means a big boost for the safety of both our monks and security of our buildings. Much of the old wire could have easily set fire to the infrastructure. Also when the monks don’t know what wiring is old, new, live or dead, there is always the chance of running into a live wire unknowingly and getting shocked. It was also all below code standards and impossible to do anything new. Now we have clean, safe accessible wiring.


Mahalo! Mikka Nandri! Easvan for this huge contribution!

And Yoginathaswami has this to say about Luke and Rama: “They were brought over by Easvan–a very much appreciated gift to the Aadheenam and Siddhidata Kulam in particular. These two men showed high standards of workmanship, were very polite and respectful of the monastery environment. Easvan is very lucky to have such employees. Siddhidata Kulam will be happy to have this crew anytime, any day!”

Skanda Shasti Homa and Puja

After a week of powerful ceremonies for Gurudeva's Maha Samadhi Anniversary, we immediately come into Skanda Shasti and today was the final day and puja. It is always a very powerful ceremony here. Lord Muruga's shakti comes with actinic force to bless us all with renewed aspirations on the path of yoga, send His blue ray of Vel Energy to spark us onward in our spiritual sadhana for another year

Darshan with Bodhinatha

Many members make the most of their pilgrimage to Gurudeva's Mahasamadhi anniversary by staying on through Skanda Shasti which occurred today with a powerful puja to Lord Muruga (see slideshow). Today many of the devotees had darshan with Bodhinatha before returning to Malaysia tomorrow .

Here we have newly reinstated Saiva Siddhanta Church sishyas Eesan and Rajespari Pasupathi from Malaysia

Himalayan Academy MC Level Two student Anjali Sundaram (Eleni Cannon) from California

Saiva Siddhanta Church longtime sishya Shama Vinayaga from Canada

Saiva Siddhanta Church longtime sishyas Ramesh, Saraswathy and Nandi Devi Sivanathan from Malaysia

Pilgrims from London

Vatshalan and sister Ramai Santhirapala pilgrimaged from London to Kauai for Skanda Shashthi . She is an anesthetist and he is in medical school. They both met Bodhinatha in London when they were younger. Their family Amman temple seems to be the one that Indra Sivayogam took Bodhinatha to visit. Ramai was looking online a couple years ago to learn more about Saivism in English and came across our website. She subscribed to Master Course lessons on email, then got her brother to study too. They have finally realized their dream of visiting Kauai Aadheenam.


Bodhinatha signs their small pocket book editions of the trilogy.


A visit to San Marga


Cartoons for Hinduism Today

The Hinduism Today team has been having fun creating cartoons. We teamed up with Cyan Jenkins, an artist from Florida, to put some ideas on paper that are closer to our audience. TAKA readers get a sneak preview of the next issue's cartoon. Click on the image to see the final color version.

Malaysia Members Learning About the SSC site

Sishyas from Malaysia sit with Saravananathaswami in the Guru Peedam room to learn more about how to use the private SSC networking website.

Agama Reclamation Moves to the Next Level

A great project accomplished by  Kauai Aadheenam was the digitization of the Agamas. The digitized manuscripts were carefully stored in a single TB hard disks. This big drive called the Agama Drive  consists of as many as 10,200 palm leaf manuscripts,1200 transcripts, 350 rare and old books - most of them  related to the Saiva Agamas. 15 copies of this priceless Agama Drive were presented to 15 Sivacharyas in a memorable Meet held at GRT Grand Hotel, Chennai on the 16th July 2011 by H H Satguru Bodhinatha Veylan Swami, Guru Maha Sannidhanam of Kauai Aadheenam.
Young student-priests of Sivacharya community who are going to complete their study in various patasalas have been given this Drive for the continuation of the work. Each patasala has been assigned a particular Mula Agama for typing, comparative reading and edition.
To put them on the right path, a meeting of the students was arranged by Dr Sabharathnam and Dr Abhiraman. It took place on the 27th August 2011 at Sivagama Kendram, near Kalikambal Temple, Chennai. Dr Sabharathnam demonstrated to the students how to proceed with the contents of the Agama Drive. Dr Abhiraman explained the importance of the manuscripts and on how to deal with them.
The meeting was inaugurated and blessed by Swami Caitanya Nishtananda, the disciple of Swami Dayananda.
These photos depict the series of this event.
The meeting served its purpose. In the review meeting held on the 16th October 2011 at the same venue, the Sivacharya students  presented a commendable report of their project work.

Swami Caitanya Nishtananda

Dr. Abhirama Sundaram

Dr. S.P. Sabharathnam

Filming the event

Dr. Sabharathnam shows the hard disc drive containing some ten thousand palm leaf bundles in digitized form, including most of the important Agamas.

Mahasamadhi Vratas and Samskaras

The major festivals at Kauai Aadheenam are auspicious times for members to advance on their religious and spiritual path.

On October 25 morning, Vishesha Diksha was given to Ramesh and Saraswathy Sivanathan from Malaysia. This is the second of two dikshas that Saiva Siddhanta Church sishyas prepare to receive. This diksha marks formal entrance into the Sri Subramuniya Gotra and gives the blessing to perform daily personal Siva Atmartha Puja, either the long, medium or short version depending on time available.

After the vishesha diksha, four Arulsishyas took their next step of formal entrance into Saiva Siddhanta Church by taking vows to become Vratasishya.

Sun One, the 27th, brought the beginning of a new phase with an auspicious homa. This time our little ones the focus, Rahneya Aravindraj received both her Vidya Rambha (beginning education) and Karnaveda (ear-piercing). Then her brother Jagatheeshwar Aravindraj had his ears pierced. Bela Sundari ParamBela Sundari Param received her Karnaveda and finally Aran Om Malhotra.

It is hard to describe the combination of sanctity, joyous upliftment and happy fun spirit that all blossomed together during these samskaras. It reminded us of how wonderful are our Hindu traditions.

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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