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Pancha Ganapati in Penang

The practice of Pancha Ganapati is spreading world wide, far beyond the borders of Saiva Siddhanta Church missions.

Kaladevi Ambalawan sends us these photos from her family in Malaysia in Penang

Kaladevi writes: “Jai Jai Ganesha,
I am from Penang, Malaysia. The man in the last photo (in white t-shirt) is my father. His name is Ambalawan Suppiah. He is an Iraivan Temple Builder and subscribes to Hinduism Today. He has a lot of books from Satguru.”

“We have been celebrating Pancha Ganapati Festival for the past five years. Few days before the start of the festival, my mother makes sure the house is dusted, cleaned and moped. On the 20th of December, we prepare His shrine in the living area. On the first day (21st December), the picture of Lord Ganesha is brought to the shrine and decorated with flowers. A sweet offering (Kesari) is offered and we do our first pooja. After the morning pooja, I read the family sadhana for the day. In the evening we do another pooja. We read the Sri Ganesa Upanisad and the Maha Ganesa Pancharatna Stotram as in the “Loving Ganesa” book. We repeat this for the next 4 days (Until the 24th of December).”

On the 25th of December, we have our first pooja with the offering of Kesari, the second pooja we offer a bowl of mixed nuts and rock sugar, the third offering is mixed vegetable rice, and the fourth pooja we offer fruits. For the final pooja, we invite our relatives who bring offerings to Lord Ganesha (Vadai, Modagam, sweet rice, green peas cake, flowers, sugar cane and coconut water). After the pooja, we sing a few songs in praise of Lord Ganesha and chant the “Aum Sri Ganesa Namaha” 108 times. Then we observe a few mins of silent After that, my father will explain to us about the Yamas and the Niyamas. He will ask us to reflect on the past year and apologies to the Lord for any wrong doings and pray for His guidance and blessings. Prasadam is given to all and food is served.”

I hope to continue this tradition even when I start working. In my family we always look forward to December and the Pancha Ganapti Festival. This festival has brought our family very close together. Our heart felt thanks to Gurudeva for coming up with this festival.

Om Shanti,

Vegetarianism, Here Comes America

The monks are once more quietly woking on another issue of Hinduism Today. To most readers the magazine appears once every quarter like magic, a feast for the eyes and the mind. In the background, a tremendous amount of research happens, polishing and perfecting text and layout with a dedication that only those who work for love can have.
The next issue focuses on Bali, an enchanting place that will surprise even our most knowledgeable readers.
But the April issue also includes a small piece on a trend that is striding across America: that of quasi-vegetarians, the many who want to live a healthier live and have, correctly, understood that proper food is the only sound foundation for a long life. Somewhat unexpectedly, as if we were, as Gurudeva said, in “harmony with the universe,” this article from food critic Mark Bittman came in today, explaining how he decided to join the movement. It has a few good-looking recipes, too. Enjoy, and live healthier in 2012.

Siva Visits in Many Forms

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The holiday season is bringing a huge stream of guests and Hindu pilgrims. All the monks a very grateful for the service provided by our sishya on the island who are serving as hosts, and taking special tours out to see Iraivan. Here is today’s group taken by Kulapati Vel Alahan.

Darshan with Bodhinatha

Karthik Chandramouli, wife Varsha, sons Vikram and Keshav are here on pilgrimage from Chicago with their cousin Malathy (left) who’s just moved to Hawaii.

Pilgrims from Around the World

This is Seshadri and Ranjani with their three children. They live in Chicago area and Ranjani is the cousin of Professor Vasudha Narayanan who we have worked with over the years in our publications. The family had good discussions with Bodhinatha about significance of the temple, and then discussed some of our publications with Arumuganathaswami, such as the history lessons.

Our longtime friends and past Innersearch participants, Ramani and Prema Iyer from Adelaide, Australia, brought one of their children and family to visit Hawaii for the first time. Veena and Debabrata Dahm with children Nikita, Alicia and Jai. They had a fun meeting with Bodhinatha including what is the source of happiness.

Visit to Iraivan temple

meeting a rudraksha tree

learning just how much work goes into carving stone

Siddhidata Kulam Keeps Everything Up To Code!

Our Siddhidata Kulam has 100’s of small maintenance task all carefully organized in their enterprise maintenance program that they all share and now distribute to the team on iPads.

The monks in the monastery can also log in and notify the team of anything that needs to be schedule.

The steps to our public bathroom were starting to become slippery and rotting. Having already built new steps the day before, Sadhaka Rajanatha heats up the grip tape so that all the air is released from underneath to ensure a solid footing.

Cutting the Caution Tape signifying the job is complete.

Thanks Sadhaka Rajanatha for your handy work!

Happy Pancha Ganapati!

Today we celebrate the Fifth Day of Pancha Ganapati and count our blessings and tune into the flow of abundance. Abundance the flows from a life built on a foundation of love and harmony; abundance that then flow out through us to the rest of the world.

As Yogaswami says in his famous song:

“We are Servants of Siva…
Getting and Giving Through Countless Generations!

Here is our Pancha Ganapati shrine in Kadavul Temple.

We are learning a new bhajan here at the Aadheenam, one which is known in Mauritius and popular worldwide.

The first line is :

“Maanasa Bhajare Guru Charanam; Dustara Bhava Saagara Taranam” which means:

“Oh Mind! Worship the Feet of the Guru; Then we can cross over the difficult ocean of existence.”

AS we sing we think of Gurudeva and all that he gave us, all the tools and gifts of catalysts to carry us along the path of life.

Pancha Ganapati is one of Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami’s gifts to the world. Thank you Gurudeva! Jaya Maha Pancha Ganapati!

New Phase Begins with Homa

Archives are now available through 2001. Light colored days have no posts. 1998-2001 coming later.

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